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Raising your very OWN Pwrlvler

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Raising your very OWN Pwrlvler Empty Raising your very OWN Pwrlvler

Post  lol Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:01 am

This guide is intended for silk buyer, ppl with two computers and ppl whom already have a lvl 72+ char in hand (Excluding Bladers, they don't do very well in pwrlvling).

Some might ask y build another pwrlvling char while you can use the old lvl 72+ char?
There are ppl who wants all their char in one account, like me.

This guide will show you how to raise a FULL INT PWRLVLING Character in less than a month time. (3 Hours a day)

For ppl who is seriously thinking of SP farming, the time spent in raising this char will be very well worth it.

1. Starting New Character
Start a chinese character get yourself to lvl 5 and buy a Gold Ticket, now go to Ongs Habitat in European side and secure yourself a spot n let the pwrlvling starts.

I know alot of you is goin to say "LVL 5? U will lvl fucken slow!". Trust me, Its faster to pwrlvl it at ongs than your grinding it.

Get yourself to lvl 10 with 9 gap all the way and leave it there until you get to lvl 24 then close the gap to 0 and start to lvl your char until it hit lvl 64.

Note: When you start a new char, you were given 2 Tickets One 60% exp helper and another 100% Exp helper. You use these Exp Tickets Once the pwrlvling Starts, after these tickets are done, use your gold ticket.

2. Skills Needed
Now this is the important part.
As a pwrlvler, this char need only a few skills.
If you lvl your char according to above, you WILL hit lvl 64 b4 your GT ends and you wouldn't have to worry abt shortage of SP for the skills you need.
This char will only lvl FIRE/LIGHT/FORCE mastery

Level your mastery till lvl 60. And lvl ONLY the following skills.

Fire Force Series

This is going to be your main imbue.

Flame Wave Series

Your AOE Nukes.

Level your mastery till lvl 60. And lvl ONLY the following skills.

Piercing Force Series

Mag damage increase buff.

Wind Walk Series

Speed you up.

Lion Shout Series

Drawing skill.

Thunderbolt Series

Transfering Nukes.

Level your mastery till lvl 17. And lvl ONLY the following skills.

Rebirth Art Series

This will save u HUGE amount of time delvling.

At the end, you should still have like 5000 sps to spare, feel free to lvl whatever skills you like.

3. Important Notes

1. Euro Wizzy pwrlvler is as effective but i've only done a chinese:
~ Wizzy might you extra HP that makes you die in 2 hits rather of 1. (not sure)
~ Wizzy kill faster yes, but the problem with farming at Ongs is not really the killing speed but more of the spawning speed. With chinese char, you basically can wipe out every wave of spawning Ongs b4 they spawn the next wave. Most of the time you hav to wait.

2. Remember to set up Academy for the extra 10% SPs.

3. You can delvl your char on spot, need not go to DW.

4. You get ~ 3-4k SP per hour with GT and SPGT.

I will edit the thread when something comes into mind, mind is blogging now.
Ask any questions, if you want. I am here to answer. Hope this would help abit.

P.S. This is nothing new. Just thought it might help abit.
This is not the perfect Guide.
It is something I did. It works for me.
Critisism will b taken n edit accordingly if true.

Posts : 228
Join date : 2008-03-21

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