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Beware of Account Thefts!

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Beware of Account Thefts! Empty Beware of Account Thefts!

Post  vitas Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:18 am

More and more players are complaining about account thefts. However, all account thefts are due to a lack of self-consciousness and to a non-respect of the security instructions. Stolen account owners are responsible for their own misfortune as they did NOT respect those instructions.
Ankama Games can not be held responsible for the account thefts or for a security glitch of the computer(s) you’re using!You can not have your account stolen if you do respect the basic security rules to protect your account and your computer:

1) You are the only responsible for your Ankama Games account: Do NOT share your account with other players. NEVER use the account of another player.

2) Use a specific email address that you’ll exclusively use for DOFUS with a strong security. Besides, never give this email address to any other players. (Never give your MSN contact address if it’s the one you’re using for your DOFUS account.) Please be very careful when creating an email address. Make sure that your password is reliable and that it can not be guessed thanks to a simple question like “what’s my school name?”, for instance.

3) Be extremely careful about “phishing” websites. Indeed, the latter are fake sites which copy the appearance of the official ones and supposedly offer you lots of gifts if you enter your details (login and password). The ONLY aim of such websites is to STEAL your accounts and items, and DELETE your characters. The only websites where you can use your details (login and password) are the official ones (Do not hesitate to check out all of our official websites at the bottom of this news). Any other website that is not listed below and that will ask for your details (login and password) will just steal your details!

4) Never give your details (login and password) to anyone. Moderators and/or members of the Ankama Team will NEVER ask for your details.

5) Please remember the answer to your secret question linked to your Ankama Games account as this is the only confidential element that will enable you to retrieve your account in case of theft.

Always keep in mind that you are responsible for your account and that you MUST be careful.
If someone stole your account because of YOUR negligence, then Ankama Games might be able to give you your account back through its online support, but it will require a long time.
Please note that restoring a deleted character is possible but restoring the associated items and Kamas is impossible.

Therefore, it is essential that you act responsibly with your accounts, emails, and the websites you visit!

And for those who find it funny to steal accounts, here is a little reminder of the basic rules of the game:

1) Everything that is written in-game is constantly saved and analysed. If you encourage, either in-game or on the forum, other players to go on “phishing” websites, we will know it and definitively ban you! We also reserve the right to file charges against the authors of the “phishing” websites.

2) All the accounts of the persons who will access stolen accounts or will try to steal accounts will be found and definitively banned.

Be reasonable as we will have no mercy. Our support will never give back an account banned for account theft.
Technically, we can go a few months back in our files, find and ban all the accounts that are linked or associated to the account of an account thief.

NEVER use your Ankama Games details (login and password) on websites that are NOT official and do not appear in the following list:

Posts : 146
Join date : 2008-03-22

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