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Lawyer Issues List of Violent Video Games for Parents to Avoid this Christmas

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Lawyer Issues List of Violent Video Games for Parents to Avoid this Christmas Empty Lawyer Issues List of Violent Video Games for Parents to Avoid this Christmas

Post  zenister Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:01 pm

Detroit Prosecutor Kym Worthy has now officially become Gaming Today’s first ever “Idiot of the Day”. This lauded title has nothing to do with her wanting to educate parents on violence in video games, and it has nothing to do with her wanting to protect children from said violence depicted in certain games. Instead, the lovely crown and respected title of “idiot” has more to with her lack of knowledge and research than her wish to keep children safe from blood and bullets in their video games.

You see, dear readers, she has issued her Top Ten list of violent video games for parents to avoid purchasing this holiday season for their wonderful offspring. While this sounds like a fantastic idea - in theory - the list has me wondering what time frame the woman is living in. Check out her list:

1. Grand Theft Auto (last released on consoles 2004; PSP, 2006)
2. Manhunt (2004, what about 2007’s Manhunt 2?)
3. Scarface (2006)
4. 50 Cent Bulletproof (2005 - who the hell even bought this when it was new?)
5. 300 (Feb, 2007)
6. The Godfather (PS3 - March, 2007; other versions, 2006)
7. Killer-7 (2005)
8. Resident Evil 4 (Wii, PC 2007; other versions 2005)
9. God of War (2005; Maybe she meant 2007’s GoW2)
10. Hitman Blood Money (2006)

According to the Detroit News, this is Worthy’s third annual list of games to avoid as the lawyer has stated in the past that she feels that simulated violence leads to a high crime rate. Sure it does (note sarcasm), and living in the second most dangerous city in America has absolutely nothing to do with it does it Kym? While I can applaud her efforts to educate parents on the content of certain games, she should realize that not only are these mature titles, they are old; she should have done a little more research or at the very least fired her paralegal. It honestly looks like she just went to the Toys R Us website and copied their list of PS2 “M” rated titles. With that being said, I am sure we can all come up with games that are much more violent than what is on her list, let alone ones that are more current. BioShock anyone?


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Join date : 2008-03-26

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