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Kerning City Party Quest

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Kerning City Party Quest Empty Kerning City Party Quest

Post  steej88 Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:55 pm

Requirements: Level 21-30

The original first party quest is in Kerning City. A party of 4, ranging from levels 21 to 30, progresses through 5 stages in fewer than thirty minutes by solving puzzles and killing monsters. At the end, a prize is given to each participant; these range from ores, equipment, scrolls, or potions. Only one party can be inside the party quest at any given time on one channel.

The Kerning City Party Quest is one of the fastest ways to gain experience during levels 21-30. To complete the party quest, one must complete the following stages under the 30 minute time limit.

[edit] Party Makeup
Following are suggested party setups for the Kerning accompaniment. Keep in mind that there are many ways to go about selecting a party, depending on what the leader finds is most important.

Party #1 - Offensive Tactic
This party setup allows players to move through the first and last stages of the Kerning accompaniment through brute force.
One Warrior (Level 23+)
Two Rogues (Level 25+)
One Magician (Level 25+)
Party #2 - Defensive Tactic
This party setup is friendlier to people of lower levels who wish to participate in the Kerning accompaniment. Using a Cleric with the Heal skill, lower-level characters can remain in the fray without having to worry too much about death. Although haste at level 1 is nearly useless, it has more benefit for the whole group over any of the other skills.
1 Assassin (Level 30 with Haste)
1 Cleric (Level 30 with Heal)
Any other two people (Level 21+)
Party #3 - Tanking
This party is for parties who want to train in stage one, and blow through the last stage
Two Magicians (Lv. 25+)
One Rouge (Lv. 25+)
One Warrior (Lv. 26+)

[edit] Starting a party quest
Parties must wait before entering the Kerning PQ.Because only one party can enter at a time in each channel, parties can not enter the quests whenever they want to. In the Kerning PQ, the party leaders must constantly click on Lakelis, or other party leaders may enter before them once the other party has finished. Because the party leader must constantly click on Lakelis, some leaders use an Auto-Clicking hack, although it is clearly illegal.

Often the quests can be difficult enter due to the high popularity of the party quests. Channel 1 would not be recommended if you want to do a party quest. Also, Scania would be the world with the most demand for the party quests, since it has the most people. The newest server is usually easiest to get into PQs.

Make sure you have the required number of members in your party. You can not do the PQ if there are less than the minimum (Though some PQs allow you to have more), and they must not die or quit party/game in order to complete the quest.

Try not to be bored while waiting. If you are not the leader, you may do something else for 5 minutes, but make sure you know what is going on in the game. Leaders should not leave the computer and closely watch. Try to track the party that has just entered and see which stage they are at by locating them (using /find).

[edit] Kerning Stage 1
Kerning PQ
Stage 1This is the first part of the Kerning City Party Quest/Accompaniment. It is a combat section, where you are asked a question by Cloto and slay monsters based on the answer. Once you have the answer, slay that many Ligators to get that many coupons. When you have obtained the correct amount of coupons, talk to Cloto to receive a pass and give the pass to your party's leader. After all three passes are collected, have your leader click on Cloto, to open a portal to Part 2.


Level needed to become a Magician: 8 (Stated as "Wizard")
Level needed for any of the other classes: 10
Experience needed to level from 1 to 2: 15
INT needed to become a Magician: 20
DEX needed to become an Archer or a Thief: 25
STR needed to become a Warrior: 35

[edit] Kerning Stage 2
Kerning PQ
Stage 2This part of the Accompaniment/Party Quest consists of 4 ropes. The objective is to arrange 3 of your members on these ropes to try to find the right combination, while the leader clicks Cloto to determine if the combination is correct. It is wise to have only 1 member move at a time, in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction, as this will prevent confusion. After discovering the correct combination, continue through the portal for yet another puzzle.

[edit] Kerning Stage 3
Kerning PQ
Stage 3This area consists of 5 platforms labeled 1-5, indicated by the number of cats on the stump. The objective is to arrange 3 of your members on these platforms to try to find the right combination, while the leader clicks Cloto to determine if the combination is correct. It is recommended that you follow this pattern to prevent confusion:

123 - 124 - 125 - 134 - 135 - 145 - 234 - 235 - 245 - 345

Now continue through the portal for the final puzzle area of the Accompaniment/Party Quest.

[edit] Kerning Stage 4
Kerning PQ
Stage 4The final puzzle consists of 6 barrels labeled 1-6. The objective is to arrange 3 of your members on these platforms to try to find the right combination, while the leader clicks Cloto to determine if the combination is correct. It is recommended that you follow this pattern to prevent confusion:

123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 134 - 135 - 136 - 145 - 146 - 156

234 - 235 - 236 - 245 - 246 - 256

345 - 346 - 356


Now continue to enter the final stage.

[edit] Kerning Final Stage
Kerning PQ
Last StageThis is it, the final stage. Once again, it is a combat stage. Here you must kill 3 Curse Eyes, 6 Jr. Neckis (modified with less avoidability) and the King Slime to obtain the passes they drop. The "corner kill glitch" has been fixed, and therefore even if you corner kill the monsters will still drop passes. The first 9 enemies will be easier than the King Slime. Once you have the 10 passes, click on Cloto to finish the main section of the Party Quest.

Note: Sometimes the game is glitchy, and will only spawn 8-9 monsters, including the King Slime. If this happens, your party cannot complete the Accompaniment/Party Quest. Most of the said 'glitches' are because of an earlier problem in which a corner kill would lead to a lack of a pass. The glitches have been dramatically reduced. There is, or was, the chance that if only 8-9 monsters spawned another would spawn after the King Slime. Theres also the large possibility that a party member has your passes.
Note: Killing the curse eyes provides much more exp(100+) than soloing king slime(300+).
King Slime

HP: 8000
MP: 100
EXP: 1000 (shared)
Primary Attack: Its primary attack is to jump, causing an earthquake which does 200 or so damage to anyone on the ground within a certain distance. As long as you keep a fair distance away, and have your HP over 300, this attack will not be a problem. (Note to Magicians: If you get hit and you don't have Magic Guard activated, you will likely die.)
Supportive Skill: The King Slime also has a supportive skill, which summons Slimes. As you can most likely one hit kill them, there will be no difficulty in eliminating them. A large number of Slimes are also spawned when the King Slime is defeated.
The Slimes mentioned above can also drop slime drops.
Soloing King Slime is often quite useful if you are at least Level 26. You'll probably get upwards of 490 exp if you kill it. Remember to ask for permission from your party first though.

[edit] Kerning Bonus Stage
Kerning PQ
Bonus StageThis Bonus Stage is filled with Horny Mushrooms and Green Mushrooms. It is a good place to train while waiting for your timer to run out, or to prepare for a "rush". Talk to Nella when you wish to leave the party quest. However, if you don't plan to train here, leave quickly so that you can be nice to the next group. The party quest can only be started when you leave, and it is generally rude to stay too long.


Posts : 61
Join date : 2008-03-29

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