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Stage 7: Amos' Vault for Couples

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Stage 7: Amos' Vault for Couples Empty Stage 7: Amos' Vault for Couples

Post  steej88 Sun Mar 30, 2008 12:05 am

This is the Bonus Stage for a party that is made up of three couples. In this stage, the three couples are split up and must compete to see who can kill 35 monsters first. The monsters are summoned from boxes, and drop cupid code pieces from stage 4. The couple must collect all 35 and turn them in. Each couple to accomplish this receives 4000 EXP. If no couple gets all 35, then EXP is awarded according to which couple gathers the most. The couple that finishes collecting first and has all 35 pieces will earn a special chance to get something besides EXP, which are the following capes:

For males
Legendary Elias Cape 1 (untradeable, 7 slots)
Legendary Elias Cape 2 (untradeable, 7 slots)
Legendary Elias Cape 3 (untradeable, 7 slots)
For females
Cecelia Cloak 1 (untradeable, 7 slots)
Cecelia Cloak 2 (untradeable, 7 slots)
Cecelia Cloak 3 (untradeable, 7 slots)
Unfortunately, in order for one member of the couple to get a prize, the other must sacrifice their chance. This is to honor the story of Elias and Cecelia, detailed on the Amoria page. The odds of getting a cape are extremely low, and since few parties attempt to do the Couples stage, they are among the rarest items in the game.


Posts : 61
Join date : 2008-03-29

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