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Amoria (ThailandMS, GlobalMS)

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Amoria (ThailandMS, GlobalMS) Empty Amoria (ThailandMS, GlobalMS)

Post  ninofficial Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:09 am

Region: Amoria (ThailandMS, GlobalMS) / Wedding Village (KoreaMS, TaiwanMS, MapleSEA) / Wedding Town (JapanMS)
Roads: Amoria (ThailandMS, GlobalMS) / Wedding Village (KoreaMS, TaiwanMS, MapleSEA) / Wedding Town (JapanMS)
Outside the CathedralAmoria is a wedding town, a place where Maplers can get married. This area originated in GlobalMS, and follows the Western marriage system, contrasting the previous marriage system, Peach Blossom Island, which was based on Eastern style weddings. In ThailandMS and GlobalMS, Amoria is accessible via Thomas Swift of Henesys, or in KoreaMS, JapanMS, TaiwanMS and MapleSEA, Hera the fairy, who is located in most towns. Amoria is located on its own unique island which seems to be located somewhere south of Victoria Island, nearest to Henesys.

There are two different styles of marriage, and also two different versions of each in most versions. A mapler can choose to have his wedding held in a traditional cathedral, wed by a high priest and receiving a blessing of experience from the guests. The other option, only available in ThailandMS and GlobalMS, is a quick Elvis hosted wedding in the Chapel, resembling a Las Vegas quick wedding chapel. Both wedding types provide the couple with a total of 50 invitations for friends and guild members. Additional invites can be purchased from the cash shop, however the lag from 52 players in the same map usually precludes this option.

A Saint Cathedral Wedding in Amoria.If the couple chooses a premium wedding, they receive an "afterparty", that works much like a Party Quest. They can then proceed to take pictures on a giant wedding cake, followed by some battles in the Untamed Hearts Hunting ground, taking out cakes and candles while hunting for keys. Once a player has 5 keys, they can proceed to the Love Piñata, where a present awaits them. Upon exiting this map, the guests and couple are returned to Amoria's town, and can receive the contents of the present by taking it to Pila Present, an NPC at the top of the map. Also, there are a number of buildings in the town, notably a Hair Salon, Plastic surgery, and a wedding shop where Tuxedos and dresses can be purchased for mesos.
In addition to those located inside the town itself, there are some Amoria-related maps outside of the main town area. The "Meet the Parents" map is used by the bride in a Cathedral wedding, and located above Henesys Hunting Ground II. There are many other NPCs, such as the various Nana fairies located in each of the main cities that are used in the quests leading up to marriage, and of course Thomas Swift who transports players to Amoria. These are only available in ThailandMS and GlobalMS.
A White Chapel Wedding in Amoria.Amoria is one of the few areas with a significant backstory:

The story of Amoria begins with the story of Elias. Elias was a noble hunter whose love of battle knew no bounds. He fell in love with a maiden of striking beauty, Cecelia. She hoped he would one day realize her love went beyond the mere fleeting of arrows, but Elias continued to hunt on and ignore his wife. During one of his hunting trips, Cecelia was kidnapped by a group of monsters. When Elias returned and found his wife missing, he immediately set out after her, vanquishing any monsters in his wake with his might bow, axe, and powerful magic. Alas, he came upon the cave where his true love has been taken. He heard her voice cry out in terror, and immediately rushed in to find several Drakes prepared to feast on her. Elias defeated the monsters and carried his wife back to their house, but her wounds were too great for even his skill to heal. Saddened by the loss of his wife, he used the last bit of his magic in a sacrificial act and created a place that would allow others to experience the love he once had, and as a lesson to never take it for granted. Thus, the town of Amoria came to be.


Posts : 66
Join date : 2008-03-29

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