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Update - Thursday March 13

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Update - Thursday March 13 Empty Update - Thursday March 13

Post  vdrzy Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:18 pm

Concise Skill Description Option
Guild Wars now supports two types of skill descriptions: traditional and concise. Traditional descriptions maintain the classic style and have been in place since the first campaign. Concise descriptions are a new style, and are generally shorter in length.
The first time you log in, you get a message asking if you'd like to keep using traditional skill descriptions or if you'd like to change to concise descriptions. Once you make your selection, login will continue normally, and you won't see the message again. To change the skill description style while in-game, use the General tab in the Options panel. (Menu> Options> General)
Example of a traditional description for Defensive Stance:
For 1..7 seconds, you have +24 armor and you have a 75% chance to block melee and projectile attacks. Defensive Stance ends if you use a skill.
Example of a concise description for Defensive Stance:
(1..7 seconds.) You have 75% chance to block and +24 armor. Ends if you use a skill.
If you find any problems with the translations of the concise skill descriptions, or general translation bugs, please report them to:
French: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/User:Jason_Yu/French_Localization_Bugs
German: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/User:Jason_Yu/German_Localization_Bugs
Italian: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/User:Jason_Yu/Italian_Localization_Bugs
Polish: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/User:Jason_Yu/Polish_Localization_Bugs
Russian: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/User:Jason_Yu/Russian_Localization_Bugs
Spanish: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/User:Jason_Yu/Spanish_Localization_Bugs

Bug Fixes
Fixed a spawn bug that prevented bosses in the Domain of Anguish from appearing if everyone in a party had already completed the Mallyx the Unyielding quest.
Fixed a bug in Underworld that sometimes prevented mission failure if a Reaper died too quickly after spawning.
Fixed a bug that would sometimes allow Necromancers to cast Putrid Flesh and Feast for the Dead while having no living minions for the spell to target.
Fixed a bug in the Tower of Strength quest within the Fissure of Woe that sometimes caused the Tower Mage to become stuck and never reach the tower.
Fixed a bug in the Dajkah Inlet challenge mission that could cause teams to crash after a long time spent in the mission.
Fixed a bug that caused some treasure chests to not work if more than one player attempted to open the chest at the same time.
Fixed a bug in the Moa'vu'Kaal, Awakened quest in Nightfall that caused the starting NPC to sometimes not display a quest marker even though the quest was available.
Fixed a bug that affected various sign posts and redirectors in the Eye of the North, Sifhalla, Olafstead, and Gunner's Hold.

The daggers known as Dragon Scythes are now named Dragon Kamas to avoid confusion over their weapon type.
The axe known as White Scythe is now named White Reaver to avoid confusion over its weapon type.
The second RAWR Cup Tournament is now listed on Tolkano.
The Xunlai Tournament House NPC now offers prizes for the February tournament and can be found in the Great Temple of Balthazar, Lion's Arch, Kaineng Center, and Kamadan.

Posts : 85
Join date : 2008-03-29

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