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The Celestial Ministry

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The Celestial Ministry Empty The Celestial Ministry

Post  TinWhistler Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:08 am

The vast Empire of the Dragon contains hundreds of thousands of people. Many are human; some on the fringes of humanity, but Emperor Kisu rules all. Yet one man, even an Ascendant Emperor, cannot see to all of the concerns and laws governing so many. To keep Cantha running effectively, a bureaucracy is and always has been key. This bureaucracy—known collectively as the Celestial Ministry—has grown in size and power over the years, though not necessarily in efficiency. Emperor Kisu knows that the bureaucracy is too large, and in places too corrupt, but even the sovereign ruler of Cantha can only do so much to stem the tide of a growing bureaucratic class in Kaineng City.

The Celestial Ministry is divided into four smaller ministries, each one devoted to a different aspect of Cantha’s imperial government. These ministries, each named after one of the four major elements, have been created over several hundred years to (ostensibly) meet certain needs that the Celestial Ministry could not handle. Their elemental names—Fire, Earth, Air, and Water—are traditionally tied to specific (and largely mythical) powers. The most visible function of all ministries is tax collection, which makes them even more unpopular among the masses. Most Canthan citizens love their emperor, but hate the bureaucracy that runs his empire.

Ministry of Flame
The Ministry of Flame is the oldest of the four smaller organizations within the Celestial Ministry. The Ministry of Flame controls law enforcement and justice; convicted criminals may be incinerated.

Mythical Power: Control over the sun’s rise and set.

Ministry of Earth
The Ministry of Earth is synonymous with paperwork; record keeping, building projects, accounting, and more fall under this ministry’s purview. The Ministry of Earth is infamous for beginning public projects that never seem to get finished, but prove profitable to the friends and allies of the ministry.

Mythical Power: Control over the bounties of the land—animal, vegetable, and mineral.

Ministry of Water
This ministry controls the city’s water supply, irrigation, and the fishing industry, as well as sharing direct control of Cantha’s harbors with the Ministry of Wind (an eternal bone of contention).

Mythical Power: Controls rainfall as well as the moon’s rise and set.

Ministry of Wind
The Ministry of Wind oversees all trade and shipping that relies on the wind—over land or across the sea. Ship captains pay taxes that (the ministry claims) make the winds blow in the desired direction. The Ministry of Wind shares control of Cantha’s ports with the Ministry of Water.

Mythical Power: Controls the winds and storms.


Posts : 97
Join date : 2008-03-29

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