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How do I move the camera?

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How do I move the camera? Empty How do I move the camera?

Post  tuinman159 Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:01 pm

At first, you'll notice that you're facing south, and that moving in any
direction that's not south will cause you much undue strife. The game does not
like to tell you how to change this. There are a few basic ideas you can go
with here. You start on Free Visual Point, and you can press F9 to toggle
between them.
1) Free Visual Point - This is the default camera angle. You can change this by
holding down right click and moving the mouse to wherever you like.
2) Camera Angle Fixed Behind Character - This is the second camera angle. As
you can tell by the name, this keeps the camera fixed behind your character as
you move. It's good stuff if you really like using the arrow keys to move
rather than the mouse.
3) Fixed Height Camera Angle - A rather useless one. You can use the mouse to
move the camera left and right, but not up and down. I suppose if you're on
flat land and have a hard time keeping the altitude at your preference, it's
okay, but otherwise go with free visual.

Posts : 100
Join date : 2008-04-01

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