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Weapons, Armor, and You

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Weapons, Armor, and You Empty Weapons, Armor, and You

Post  tuinman159 Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:16 pm

Thanks to FTW_DrDeath for this section

Item Type: This tells you what the item is (Weapon, Armor, Jewelry etc;)
Mounting Area:(armor only) On armor this would mean this is the section of your
body it mounts on.
Degree: currently there are 8 degrees of item, each new degree is a different
look. They also require different lucky powders in alchemy.
Phy: For armor this would mean physical defense, and for weapons this would
mean the range of physical damage, it would like something like this. 10~35
Mag: For armor this would mean magical defense, and for weapons this would mean
the range of magical damage, it would like something like this. 23~49 (Magic
damage is always higher, even on the physical type weapons.)
Parry Ratio: All of your parry ratios are added together, and they form the
chance that you will be dealt minimum damage.
Block:(shield only) The block rating is a % chance in which you have, to be
able to block any attacks directed at you. You recieve 0 damage from a blocked
Attack Rating:(weapon only) Attack rating decide how often you do your max
damage range, instead of your minimum damage range, this is the exact opposite
of parry.
Critical:(weapon only) The critical of your weapon equals a % of how often you
will pull off a critical hit. Critical hits in SilkRoad Online, as in many
other games, do drastically more damage than noncritical hits, but are otherwise
the same as a normal hit.
Durability:(not on jewelry) This is the durability of your item, its endurance
to be able to take hits, if it goes to 0 it will not be destroyed, it just
will act as if your not wearing it untill it is repaired.
Phy/ Mag Reinforce(Armor only): These rates determine how much higher your
damage will increase when you + up a weapon with alchemy. A higher reinforced
weapon will result in higher max damage.
Phy/ Mag Absorbsion(Jewelry only): The absorbtion rates result in taking
reduced damage from the appropriate sources.
Required Level: This is the level you have to be to equip the current item.
If you de-level while having a higher item on you the game will not add its
stats to your defense.

Posts : 100
Join date : 2008-04-01

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