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Calling of the Moon {2 Moons} ~A Kiba Love Story~ (Wolfs Rain )

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Calling of the Moon {2 Moons} ~A Kiba Love Story~ (Wolfs Rain ) Empty Calling of the Moon {2 Moons} ~A Kiba Love Story~ (Wolfs Rain )

Post  lracmf Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:43 am

Recap: Alright last time you met Kiba and everyone...well more like you learned there name and left.

Well anyway on to the story.
*bounicng up and down excitedly* (me: I'm glad you missed me so much...but please chill k")
*groans* I don't even know why i'm here (me: well since your here read the story anyway)
You turned around and began to walk away.
"Hey hold on you never told us your name!" You sighed
'these wolves are such a bother.' You looked over your shoulder "I'm Tsuki." Your voice held no tone. You then preceded to keep walking to who knows where.
As you were leaving you heard them mumble somethings and walk away in different directions. You looked over your shoulder curiousity playing across your face. 'Wonder what that was all about?' You shrugged and contiued to walk back to the busy city streets.
*Some Hours Later*

You were walking through the busy streets of the city you were in...to tell the truth you didn't even know the name of the city ((More or less it's me who doesn't know what to call it -_-')). You looked up, the sun was beginning to set. It's glow reflected off of your purple eyes, making them glow.
The sound of foot steps snapped you out of your daze making you turn around to see who it was.
"Toboe why are you following me?" you sighed and looked at him blankly.
"I just wanted to get to know you more" he gave you a bright smile "besides I don't want to walk around here alone." You smirked and shook your head
"Fine you can come, but if you get in my way, I will ditch you. You've been warned."
He just smiled and nodded, walking up to your side so he could walk next to you.

Everything had been quite for awhile,'He must of ran out of questions to ask.' He had ask every question under the sun, from your favorite color to what you like to do.
"Ummm Tsuki?" You looked at Toboe out of the corner of your eye, he seemed kind of nervous with a mixture of curiousness.
"Do you..." he seemed hesitant to ask.
"Do I..." you waved your hand in a cirle telling him to contiune
"Doyouhaveapack?" His question was so fast you had to let your brain process it.
"Oh ummm..." A picture of the night your packed was killed flashed before your eyes. The wimpers, the crimson blood, and the way it made you feel, it all felt so real as though you were there again.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked" He seemed sad that his question had hurt you.
"No it's ok" You smiled at him "My pack died when I was little." You looked straight in front of you, your eyes held a glossy texture. "They were killed by humans...though i'm not sure why."
"I'm sorry, I must of brought up bad memories." He looked down at his feet.
"And again, it's fine the memories that came with it aren't all bad." You smiled. "Some of them are happy to."

You guys continued to walk in silence, that is until you heard
"Toboe there you are," you turned Toboe's friends had found you. You watched them talk about what they found, until you got bored and started to walk away.
"Hey Tsuki why don't you come with us. I mean you don't have a pack in all." The end of the sentence went quite.

Go GO GOGOGOGOGOGO (me:you really want to go huh?) YESYESYES
No don't then the story will be over (me: actully I'd change it and you'd join some other time ^^) Damnit.
You looked back, all of them were watching you. "I don't know if I should. I mean I-"
"You can come if you want after all none of us have packs either," Hige just gave you a smile.
"Only if all of you feel that way, otherwise no." Your tone held a deffinate note.
Toboe smiled happily "Join, join"
"You already know my answer." You gave a nod in Hige's derection.
"I don't care, your welcome to join if you want."
"Well I don't want her to join. For all we know she could be the enemy, and try to kill us." I rolled my eyes.
"Tsume that's not nice to say."
"Yeah but it could be true."
"He's right for all you know I could be planning to kill you. After all you only just met me today." I turned and walked away.
I thought you were going to join!!!(Me: patience grasshopper)
Yes!!! You listened to me (Me: for now.)
*Later that night*
You sat on a grassy hill top over looking the vast black desert below. High up in the sky floated the silver moon.
'Would those wolves really have let a killer into their pack' You could see the city far off in the distance. 'I wonder if they're even there still.' You watched the moon and slowly you fell asleep.


Posts : 83
Join date : 2008-04-01

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