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Star Wars Galaxies

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Star Wars Galaxies Empty Star Wars Galaxies

Post  lracmf Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:46 am




Whenever we add a palette to an buy maplestory mesos existing item, guild wars gold invariably their base colors change. Since I wanted to impact existing instruments as little as possible, I decided to create entirely new draft schematics and objects for these new customizable versions. With that in mind, I re-named all the existing instruments to “Classical” to symbolize that these lord of the rinds gold were the older versions.

Note that the instrument looks vastly different, and also note that there is a color picker on the side of the crafting interface. The color picker needed to be added via the scripts we use for crafting. They basically pull the palettes attached to the appearance template for the crafted instrument.



Star Wars Galaxies

Our solution was to create as many new particles as I could, lord of the rinds and make them their own draft schematics. I ended up with 64 new props — that’s 32 per hand.


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The only existing instrument that was affected by the palette change was the xantha. This is because the xantha already had a palette associated with it; in fact, that is the palette I used for all instruments. 2moons Its base colors changed when I had the palette enlarged, to allow more colors.







Below is a screenshot of an entertainer using the previously existing set of sparkler ribbons.

Once instruments were tackled, I moved on to the task of adding customizable props. This was a lot more difficult. After doing much research into ways to customize props, I realized the most popular props (sparklers, ribbons, etc.) were actually lotro gold particles. This means I could not attach a palette to them to allow players to customize them on the fly. hellgate palladium



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Join date : 2008-04-01

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