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Opening a Successful Shop

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Opening a Successful Shop Empty Opening a Successful Shop

Post  nbgac Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:21 am

Since the guides about selling stuff and making money is quite scattered, I thought of combining them all into one so that it’ll be easier for others to read. Anyway here it goes, everything from the basics:

Step 1: Opening a shop

If you’ve just started playing and have found a number of items and thought of selling it to players instead of the npcs, then opening a shop is the first thing you need to do.

Press the “/” key, put your items into the shop with its price, type in a description for your shop and click “open”. If you want to sit down, this is also the option to do it.

Step 2: Items to sell in your shop or to sell to the npc (by level of player)

Level 1-7: You probably won’t need to open a shop, just sell whatever normal items you get to the npcs. But if you want to help other newbies out, keep some magic items and sell them within the purchasing and selling price of the item.

Level 7-20: You should’ve done the fishing test and got your free Level 7 fishing rod. Start using it! Items you can find from fishing at this level are: Bone rings, Angel Necklaces, fish (all sorts), gems (+4 pyramids, +5 damage (elemental and physical), resistance gems). You can put the rings/gold necklaces and gems in your shop, pricing will be discussed later. It’s advisable to stash up your gems for now.

You could sell normal items to players, provided you know where to open your shop. Keep magic,socketed and higher items to sell to players also.

Level 20-40: Some useless magic items may not sell at all so just sell them to the npc. If you find argates, you could sell them at this point cause you won’t have any need for them yet.

Sell your old fishing rod to the npc and try to find a cheaper level 20 rod from the shops if possible.

Level 40, above: It’s a whole new fishing arena and I have yet to try it (will soon). Sell your level 20 rod and find a cheaper level 40 rod.

You probably would’ve found legendary items by now, they have their own set of prices which will be listed below.

Step 3: Pricing in general

You’ve gotta be careful with how you price items, and bear in mind that at lower levels, players won’t have much money to fork out for items.

So a good guide is to check with the npcs to see how much items are purchased for and how much they sell at. Then gauge for yourself how much you want to sell it for according to the level of the item, type of item and whether it’s normal/magic/socketed etc.

For magic items, I usually sell them in between purchase price and selling price.

Pricing rule: If the magic properties are not useful for that type of item, I sell it for just slightly above selling price and if it’s good, I sell it just above the purchasing price and if it’s really awesome, I jack it up higher.

What I mean by useful magic properties or not is like for example: An incar magician gloves which has +5 increased damage and +1% poision damage is USELESS since they only master the fire/ice/lightning spells. A very useful property for an incar glove would be +5 increased magic damage and +10 ice damage or something like that.

For noble items, depending on level, you could add 1-3k to the purchasing price for low level items (level 20 and below) and 10k or above for items at higher levels than 20. Pricing rules apply here as well.

If you have a fully socketed magic item, that goes for much higher, in the region of 50k and above (also depending on item level)

But overall, you judge for yourself, prices rise linearly in general. The better the item the more expensive it sells obviously. Just don’t go overboard! And remember to keep your prices reasonable.

Step 4: Pricing in-depth

Ok, here’s some guidelines for prices of items from low level to legendary items. Note that these are not too lowly priced but yet still can earn you a good deal of DIL from them instead of not being able to sell them:

Angel Necklaces: 300 DIL (+50 DIL for gold ones)
Bone Rings: 700 DIL (+50 DIL for gold ones)
Level 20 Necklaces: 8k (10k for gold ones)
Level 20 Rings: 10k (15k for gold ones)
Level 40 Necklaces: 15k (20k for gold ones)
Level 40 Rings: 20k (25k for gold ones)

+5 ___ Damage Gems/+4 Pyramids: 3-5k (Lower if necessary)
+10 HP/MP: 8k
+3 Medials: 10k
% ___ Damage Gems: 1% - 5k, 2% - 10k, 3% - 25k, 4% - 40k, 5% - around 1mil, plus minus (Lower if necessary)

+33 Rhombus: 150k-200k

+11 Pyramids: 15k
+27 Pyramids: 45k
+36 Pyramids: 80k

+18 Medials: 250k-300k

Armor/Gloves/Boots/Pants: level 18 (300 DIL) - level 36+ (1.5k DIL)
(based on not very useful magic properties)
Weapons: level 18 (range from 1-2k) level 36+ (range from 2.5-4k)
(based on not very useful magic properties)

Copper Argate: 250-350k (400k and above is a rip off, don’t buy unless desperate)
Silver: 500-650k
Gold: 450k ~ish

Legendary Items:

From there you would be able to judge how much to sell your items for.

Step 5: Advertising

Your shop name has got to be something interesting and attractive other than just opening it without a description. It’s best if you write in detail what you are selling like for example: AK/Hunter Magic CHEAP! which means you’re selling Knight and Hunter magic items.

At the moment, shouting won’t be really helpful since there are so many botters spamming but if you’re selling legendary items and argates, it’s good to shout them. Otherwise, save your fingers from the typing.

Step 6: Location, location, LOCATION!!

Determining where to open your shop is important, VERY important. If you’re selling low level items, it’s not advisable to open your shop in the middle of loa/braiken castle cause that’s where everyone sells high level items. (I sell in loa most of the time since it has the best geographical location to sell stuff)

If you’re around level 20 and below and you’re selling normal items, open up your shop (with specific class items in it) at its respective npc’s shop. Although the knight’s one might be a problem since it’s inside the middle of loa castle. Another advisable area to open at that level is near the north entrance of loa, since a lot of low level players will be running in and out of north motre.

Generally in loa, the area in front of north the ramp is a good spot since you are visible from almost all directions and there aren’t many ppl who set up shops there either. So, no competitors for you (except me and a couple of others lol).

And also try to spread out from other shops! Don’t sit too close to other shops otherwise players can’t select/see your shop.

Oh yeah, I’m on abaddon and soulbane’s a good place to set up shops since there are quite a lot of ppl on there and more shops than other shards. In this case, it’s somewhat better to have a couple of shops around you so that players will be attracted to go in that direction. If there aren’t many shops in the center of the castle to start with, you won’t be able to succeed opening your shop just outside the castle.

Tip: Leave your shop open overnight and you’ll probably sell 7 out of 10 items from it.

Step 7: Earning extra DIL

- At early levels, pick up ANY gold you see (I still do at level 39 )
- Pick up weapons first, armor later. For weapons, try getting ones which take up less space first. Weapons sell higher than armor remember?
- Level 34-50, do nunvice runs. It costs you 10k to get in but you can earn 25-35k AND possibility of finding copper argates and gems in there. Plus the experience is great. BUT, I would advice that you do some commission quests first, until you find that your connection is stable then only you go to nunvice. Otherwise it’ll be a waste of DIL to get disconnected in there.
- Once you hit level 38, go and do the rock pressures commission quest. You can try the frizkhan one but just once. It’s not worth it to run out that far all the time.
- Play the market, if you find any gems/argates selling for cheaper than normal, buy them up and sell it higher.
- Please don’t beg, I find it pretty annoying so I just give whoever it is who is begging some fish lol.

Hopefully these will help a lot of ppl who are still confused over pricing and shops! Gotta thank the previous posters whom I got the idea from. Cheers!

I can’t think of anything else to add for now, but will continue to update as I go along.

Credits to KJSorc


Posts : 99
Join date : 2008-04-01

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