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Why Play 2Moons?

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Why Play 2Moons? Empty Why Play 2Moons?

Post  hhaewk Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:16 am

Hi All,

Just wondering, what is the purpose of playing 2moons? Where is the fun? I'm hoping it's just because I'm at such a low level (30), but solo grinding has become pretty boring lately... The customization of the characters don't seem to be all too varied, and it looks like everyone is going to end up looking the same in the end. (No male/female toggles for each class? Dammit!)

So.. I guess the question I'm really asking is... Why do you grind? Why do you level?

I've played Lineage2 and the thing that kept me going in that game was being really active in the pvp scene. World of Warcraft.. there's raiding.

But it seems in 2moons, anytime I join a party, all we do is run around and camp the same mobs grinding and grinding and grinding. Is there ever a real purpose to play in this game or is it just one big grindfest? I think the game is really cool, but I'd hate to grind my way to 80+ and find out that the 1-30game is the same as the 30-60 game and so on and so on.

Posts : 70
Join date : 2008-04-01

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