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Loot Rules

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Loot Rules Empty Loot Rules

Post  bcpnu Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:46 am

This section shows examples of generally accepted looting rules. Be sure that you ask your group what the looting rules are going to be, just in case they are different from normal. It will avoid hostility and confusion later.

Roll Greed on any BoE Item
Roll Need on any BoE or BoP item that your current character can use, not your alts.
Roll Greed on any BoE crafting items such as gems.
Pass on any BoP Item if your character does not need it (See Rule #2)
If all party members pass on an item, type /roll or /random 100 to determine who gets the item
When coming across a non-mob loot item such as Crates or Herbs/Mines /roll or /random 100 to determine who gets to loot the item in question.


Add - This means your party has somehow pulled another unexpected mob.
Aggro - This refers to the attention of the mob or who the mob is attacking. If you've gained aggro, the mob is attacking you. If you loose aggro, the mob moved on to someone else.
AOE - A spell or ability that affects an area. For example, a mage can cast Blizzard or Arcane Explosion. A paladin can cast Concecration. A priest can cast Holy Nova. Warlocks can cast Rain of Fire. Generally AoE means to do damage to lots of mobs in a concentrated area.
Bio - Bathroom break. Another way of saying AFK
BoE - Bind on Equip, refering to an item that you may pick up and give or sell to anyone else. If you equip said item, it will become soulbound to you.
Body Pull - To pull a mob to the group by walking up to it. Accidently or intended.
BoP - Bind on Pickup, refering to an item that will become soulbound to you if you pick it up. Can also mean Blessing of Protection, a paladin spell.
Buff - A good spell that boosts an ability
CC - Crowd Control, when a group is looking for a CC, they are looking for a class that can crowd control targets. For example, mages can sheep, hunters can ice trap, rogues can sap, ect.
CS - Counterspell, generally this means someone is asking the mage to cast counterspell on a target.
DE - Disenchant, meaning to destroy an item to get enchanting materials from it. Groups sometimes do this to BoP items that no one can use then the group rolls for the materials the DE created.
Debuff - A bad spell that causes harm, reduces an ability or is just annoying
Decurse - To dispell, remove curse, cure poison, cure disease or otherwise remove unwanted debuffs
DI - Divine Intervention, a paladin ability to save a group from a wipe. This spell kills the paladin and puts the target in an immunity bubble for 3 minutes. Mobs will ignore the person.
DOT - A spell or ability that does Damage Over Time.
DPS - Damage Per Second. Reference to classes who are high damage dealing classes or the amount of damage a weapon does.
HOT - A spell or ability that Heals Over Time.
I'm red - Meaning all the player's equipment is broken and needs to be repaired.
I'm yellow - Meaning all the player's equipment is very close to being broken and needs to be repaired.
Kite - To gain the aggro of a mob and make it follow you, preferably without the mob doing damage to you.
MA* - Main Assist, the person whose job it is to decide what targets die first. All other party members should follow the MA's target so everyone is attacking the same thing.
MC - Usually means Molten Core but sometimes a it means Mind Control, a priest spell.
MT - Main Tank, the person whose job it is to take and hold aggro
Nuke - A powerful spell or combination of spells that do a lot of damage. Usually a term used to describe certain mage spells.
OOM - Out Of Mana, if the healer says this, it's bad.
OT - Off tank, the person whose job it is to take and hold aggro of another target that is not the MT's target.
Pat - Patrol, this is used to reference a mob that patrols around a certain area.
Rez - Resurrect, return a player to life.
RS or Rez Sick - When you resurrect at the Spirit Healer you are afflicted with resurrection sickness a debuff that lowers your stats by 75% for 10 minutes.
Shackle Pull - Priest version of a Sheep pull.
Sheep - A polymorphed target. Before 1.11 a mage's polymorph spell only turned a target into a sheep. After 1.11 mages can also cast other polymorph effects that can turn the target into different animals. The name 'sheep' sticks though. If someone is asking a mage to sheep, they are asking the mage to cast polymorph on the target.
Sheep Pull - Polymorph a target, therefore pulling the rest of the mobs to the group.
Sleep Pull - Druid version of a Sheep pull.
SS - Soulstone, a warlock ability to save a group from a wipe by storing the target's soul so they can resurrect after they die.
Wipe - When a group Wipes, it means the whole group died.
* With the introduction of raid icons in the Burning Crusade, most groups no longer use an MA but rather designate a kill order according to what icons are used on what mobs.

Posts : 116
Join date : 2008-04-01

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Loot Rules Empty Re: Loot Rules

Post  snow Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:48 pm

Add - This means your party has somehow pulled another unexpected mob.
Aggro - This refers to the attention of the mob or who the mob is attacking. If you've gained aggro, the mob is attacking you. If you loose aggro, the mob moved on to someone else.
AOE - A spell or ability that affects an area. For example, a mage can cast Blizzard or Arcane Explosion. A paladin can cast Concecration. A priest can cast Holy Nova. Warlocks can cast Rain of Fire. Generally AoE means to do damage to lots of mobs in a concentrated area.
Bio - Bathroom break. Another way of saying AFK
BoE - Bind on Equip, refering to an item that you may pick up and give or sell to anyone else. If you equip said item, it will become soulbound to you.
Body Pull - To pull a mob to the group by walking up to it. Accidently or intended.


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Loot Rules Empty Re: Loot Rules

Post  crusade Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:48 pm

Sleep Pull - Druid version of a Sheep pull.
SS - Soulstone, a warlock ability to save a group from a wipe by storing the target's soul so they can resurrect after they die.
Wipe - When a group Wipes, it means the whole group died.
* With the introduction of raid icons in the Burning Crusade, most groups no longer use an MA but rather designate a kill order according to what icons are used on what mobs.


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Loot Rules Empty Re: Loot Rules

Post  spirit Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:49 pm

OOM - Out Of Mana, if the healer says this, it's bad.
OT - Off tank, the person whose job it is to take and hold aggro of another target that is not the MT's target.
Pat - Patrol, this is used to reference a mob that patrols around a certain area.
Rez - Resurrect, return a player to life.
RS or Rez Sick - When you resurrect at the Spirit Healer you are afflicted with resurrection sickness a debuff that lowers your stats by 75% for 10 minutes.
Shackle Pull - Priest version of a Sheep pull.


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Loot Rules Empty Re: Loot Rules

Post  stark Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:50 pm

CC - Crowd Control, when a group is looking for a CC, they are looking for a class that can crowd control targets. For example, mages can sheep, hunters can ice trap, rogues can sap, ect.
CS - Counterspell, generally this means someone is asking the mage to cast counterspell on a target.
DE - Disenchant, meaning to destroy an item to get enchanting materials from it. Groups sometimes do this to BoP items that no one can use then the group rolls for the materials the DE created.


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