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Fury...... Empty Fury......

Post  btdxcl Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:52 am


This tree provides Warriors a bolster to their Shout abilities, bonuses to existing weapon skills, new abilities, and also contains many passive "trigger" talents that revolve around dealing and receiving a Critical Hit. Talents are as follows:

Booming Voice: Increases the area of effect and duration of your Battle Shout and Demoralizing Shout abilities by 10%. Can be upgraded to Rank 5 a maximum increase of 50% area of effect and Shout duration.

Cruelty: Increases your chance to land a Critical Hit by 1%. Can be upgraded to Rank 5 with a maximum increase of 5% Critical Hit chance.

Improved Demoralizing Shout (requires 5 points in Fury Talents): Increases the attack power reduction of your Demoralizing Shout by 8%. Can be upgraded to Rank 5 with a maximum increase of 40% attack power reduction.

Unbridled Wrath (requires 5 points in Fury Talents): Gives you an 8% chance to generate an additional Rage Point when you deal melee damage. Can be upgraded to Rank 5 yielding a maximum 40% chance to generate an additional Rage Point.

Improved Cleave (requires 10 points in Fury Talents): Increases the bonus damage caused by your cleave ability by 40%. Can be upgraded to Rank 3 with a maximum increase of 120% additional bonus damage.

Piercing Howl (requires 10 points in Fury Talents): 10 Rage cost, Instant Cast. Causes all enemies near the Warrior to be dazed for 6 seconds.

Blood Craze (requires 10 points in Fury Talents): Regenerates 1% of your total Health over 6 seconds after being the victim of a Critical Hit. Can be upgraded to Rank 3 allowing a maximum of 3% of your total Health to be regenerated over 6 seconds.

Improved Battle Shout (requires 10 points in Fury Talents): Raises the attack power bonus of your Battle Shout ability by 5%. Can be upgraded to Rank 5 for a maximum 25% increase to your attack power bonus.

Dual Wield Specialization: (requires 15 points in Fury Talents): Increases the damage done by off-hand weapons by 5%. Can be upgraded to Rank 5 with a maximum of 25% damage with an off-hand weapon.

Improved Execute (requires 15 points in Fury Talents): Reduces the Rage Point cost of your Execute ability by 2 Rage Points. Can be upgraded to Rank 2 for a maximum decrease of 5 Rage Points.

Enrage (requires 15 points in Fury Talents): Grants you an 8% melee damage bonus lasting 12 seconds, for 12 swings any time you are the victim of a Critical Hit. Can be upgraded to Rank 5 for a maximum increase of 40% melee damage for 12 strikes over 12 seconds.

Improved Slam (requires 20 points in Fury Talents): Decreases the casting time of your Slam ability by 0.1 seconds. Can be upgraded to Rank 5 for a maximum decrease of 0.5 seconds of casting time.

Death Wish (requires 20 points in Fury Talents): 10 Rage cost, Instant Cast, 3 minute cooldown. When activated, increases your melee damage by 20%, grants immunity to Fear, but lowers your defense against all types of attacks by 20%. Lasts 30 seconds.

Improved Intercept (requires 20 points in Fury Talents): Reduces the cooldown time of your Intercept ability by 5 seconds. Can be upgraded to Rank 2 for a maximum cooldown reduction of 10 seconds.

Improved Berserker Rage (requires 25 points in Fury Talents): The Berserker Rage ability will generate 5 Rage Points when used, upgradeable to Rank 2 for a maximum of 10 Rage Points gained.

Flurry (requires 25 points in Fury Talents, 5 points in Enrage): Increases your attack speed by 10% after dealing a Critical Strike. Can be upgraded to Rank 5 for a maximum 30% increased attack speed after dealing a Critical Strike.

Bloodthirst (requires 30 points in Fury Talents, 1 point in Death Wish): 30 Rage Point cost, Instant Case, 5 yard Range, 6 second cooldown. Instantly attack the target causing damage equal to 40% of your Attack Power. In addition, the next 5 successful melee attacks will restore 10 health. This effect lasts 8 seconds. Can purchase upgrades up to Rank 4 for a maximum of 20 health restored.


This is the tanking tree for the Warrior class, allowing many passive abilities that revolve around damage mitigation, hate control and threat production.

Shield Specialization: Increases your chance to block with a Shield by 1% and has a 20% chance to generate 1 Rage Point when a block occurs. Can be upgraded to rank 5 for a maximum 5% increased chance to block with a Shield and a 100% chance to generate 1 Rage Point when a block occurs.

Anticipation: Increases your Defense skill by 2 points. Can be upgraded to Rank 5 for a maximum Defense skill increase of 10 points.

Improved Bloodrage (requires 5 points in Protection Talents): Reduces the health cost of your Bloodrage ability by 25%. Can be upgraded to Rank 2 for a maximum health cost reduction of 50%.

Toughness (requires 5 points in Protection Talents): Increases your armor value from items by 2%. Can be upgraded to Rank 5 for a maximum increase of 10% armor value from your items.

Iron Will (requires 5 points in Protection Talents): Increases your resistance to Stun and Charm effects by 3%. May be upgraded to Rank 5 for a maximum resistance increase of 15%.

Last Stand (requires 10 points in Protection Talents, 2 points in Improved Bloodrage): Instant Cast, 10 minute cooldown. When activated, this ability grants you 30% of your maximum Hit Points for 20 seconds. After the effect expires, the Hit Points are lost.

Improved Shield Block (requires 10 points in Protection Talents, 5 points in Shield Specialization): Allows your Shield Block ability to block an additional attack and increases the duration by 0.5 seconds. Can be upgraded to Rank 3 for a maximum duration increase of 2 seconds.

Improved Revenge (requires 10 Points in Protection Talents): Gives your Revenge ability a 20% chance to Stun a target for 3 seconds. Can be upgraded to Rank 3 for a maximum 40% chance to Stun a target.

Defiance (requires 10 points in Protection Talents): Increases threat generated by your attacks by 3% while in Defensive Stance. Can be upgraded to Rank 5 for a maximum threat increase of 15% while in Defensive Stance.

Improved Sunder Armor (requires 15 points in Protection Talents): Reduces the Rage cost of your Sunder Armor ability by 1 point. Can be upgraded to Rank 3 for a maximum 3 Rage Point cost reduction.

Improved Disarm (requires 15 points in Protection Talents): Increases the duration of your Disarm ability by 1 second. Can be upgraded to Rank 3 for an overall 3 second duration increase.

Improved Taunt (requires 15 Points in Protection Talents): Decreases the cooldown of your Taunt ability by 1 second. Can be upgraded to Rank 2 for a maximum decrease of 2 seconds on your Taunt cooldown.

Improved Shield Wall (requires 20 points in Protection Talents): Increases the effect duration of your Shield Wall ability by 3 seconds. Can be upgraded to Rank 2 for a maximum increase of effect duration by 5 seconds.

Improved Shield Bash (requires 20 points in Protection Talents): Gives your Shield Bash ability a 50% chance to Silence the target for 3 seconds. Can be upgraded to Rank 2 for a maximum 100% chance to Silence your target.

Concussion Blow (requires 20 points in Protection Talents): 15 Rage Cost, Instant Cast, 5 yard range, Requires Melee Weapon, 45 second cooldown. Stuns the opponent for 5 seconds.

One-Handed Weapon Specialization (requires 25 points in Protection Talents): Increases the damage you deal with One-Handed Melee Weapons by 2%. Can be upgraded to Rank 5 for a maximum damage increase of 10% with One-Handed Melee Weapons.

Shield Slam (requires 30 points in Protection Talents, 1 points in Concussion Blow): 30 Rage cost, Instant Cast, 5 yard range, 6 second cooldown. Slam the target with your Shield, causing 288-352 damage and has a 50% chance of dispelling 1 magic effect on the target. Also causes a high amount of threat.

Here are all of the Warriors special abilities and attacks.

Posts : 148
Join date : 2008-04-01

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Fury...... Empty Re: Fury......

Post  power Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:22 am

Improved Demoralizing Shout (requires 5 points in Fury Talents): Increases the attack power reduction of your Demoralizing Shout by 8%. Can be upgraded to Rank 5 with a maximum increase of 40% attack power reduction.


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