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Complete Guide To Killing Onyxia With Pictures

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Complete Guide To Killing Onyxia With Pictures Empty Complete Guide To Killing Onyxia With Pictures

Post  btdxcl Fri Apr 04, 2008 3:41 am

Special Attacks:

* Fire Breath: Cone shaped fire that hits everything in front of her for 3000-4000 damage. Solution: Always keep her pointed north, away from the groups on the sides.
* Knock back: AE knock back that throws you really far, likely well into the eggs if your back is to them. Solution: Correctly position yourselves at her sides as far away as possible while still being in melee range, keep your back away from the eggs.
* Tail Whip: Cone shaped 2-3 second stun that hits everyone behind her and does 200-300 damage. Solution: Never stand behind an angry dragon.


Odd numbered groups run to the NW corner:

West side/odd number group positions:

W = Whelp Group
R+C = Ranged and Casters
M = Melee
MT = Main Tank

Even numbered groups run to the NE corner:

East side/even number group positions:

W = Whelp Group
R+C = Ranged and Casters
M = Melee
MT = Main Tank

Big screen shot of overall positioning:

The south is a death zone:


MT rushes in a good 20-30 feet ahead of everyone to make sure he gets initial agro. No one is to attack Onyxia until the MT is in position and has been in position building agro for at least 60 seconds.

Whelps that are still spawned from the last wipe are pulled off the MT with light AE damage (ie: Consecration) and dealt with quickly. There are usually only a few whelps on each side so this is never a big deal.

There should no whelp spawns what so ever during this phase unless someone gets knocked into the eggs. If there are whelps the whelp groups (group 7 and group 8, one for each side) has the sole duty of taking care of them. You should be able to handle any amount of whelps that come, but any more than about 10 will damage long term survivability significantly. Don't get anywhere near the whelps and you will be fine. Note: the eggs do not require you to stand on top of them before the spawn like UBRS Rookery room, their agro/spawn distance is much larger.

MT slowly moves into position at the north center of the lair. The MT's exact position is very important due to the knock back. He needs to be 10-15' away from the north wall. When positioned correctly the knock back should bounce the MT against the north wall and have him land very close to his original position.

Onyxia should always be facing north.

Once the MT has built 60+ seconds of agro, everyone can attack. Mind your DPS, hunters FD as often as you can, rogues feint when it's up, mages don't over nuke, and so on. If the MT loses agro, she will turn to one of the sides and kill everyone with a Fire Breath.

Kill her slow and steady keeping her on the MT and in position.

At 70% life take a good 30 second break on attacking to let the MT rebuild agro, better safe than sorry. During that break is an okay time to drink a fire absorption potion in preparation for phase 2.

At 65% she will walk from the north to the south and take flight. Phase 2 begins.


Agro management and MT positioning are the most important parts of this phase. This phase is remarkably easy compared to the next two due to its straightforward "MT tank with a heal rotation, everyone else kill slow and steady" strategy. There should be 0 deaths and no whelps alive when phase 2 starts. There shouldn't be any need to drink any potions (except maybe a fire prot.) or use anything with a noticeable cool down during this.

Phase 2

Special Attacks:

* Engulfing Flames: She spits fire at random people. The fire hits you for around 3000 damage and people near you for a decent amount of damage too. Solution: Stay spread out to avoid the fire hitting people near you. Use first aid to heal yourself so your healers don't waste mana.
* Deep Breath: She will emote "Onyxia begins to take a deep breath" and CQOnyxia will warn you a deep breath is coming in <5 seconds. Huge column of fire shoots out from the spot she is in killing everyone it hits instantly. This attack will completely destroy the run if not dealt with correctly. Here is where the column of fiery death is going from every possible position:


Posts : 148
Join date : 2008-04-01

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Complete Guide To Killing Onyxia With Pictures Empty Re: Complete Guide To Killing Onyxia With Pictures

Post  signific Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:47 am

There should no whelp spawns what so ever during this phase unless someone gets knocked into the eggs. If there are whelps the whelp groups (group 7 and group 8, one for each side) has the sole duty of taking care of them. You should be able to handle any amount of whelps that come, but any more than about 10 will damage long term survivability significantly. Don't get anywhere near the whelps and you will be fine. Note: the eggs do not require you to stand on top of them before the spawn like UBRS Rookery room, their agro/spawn distance is much larger.


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Complete Guide To Killing Onyxia With Pictures Empty Re: Complete Guide To Killing Onyxia With Pictures

Post  Onyxia Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:47 am

Engulfing Flames: She spits fire at random people. The fire hits you for around 3000 damage and people near you for a decent amount of damage too. Solution: Stay spread out to avoid the fire hitting people near you. Use first aid to heal yourself so your healers don't waste mana.
* Deep Breath: She will emote "Onyxia begins to take a deep breath" and CQOnyxia will warn you a deep breath is coming in <5 seconds. Huge column of fire shoots out from the spot she is in killing everyone it hits instantly. This attack will completely destroy the run if not dealt with correctly.


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Complete Guide To Killing Onyxia With Pictures Empty Re: Complete Guide To Killing Onyxia With Pictures

Post  each Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:48 am

Whelps that are still spawned from the last wipe are pulled off the MT with light AE damage (ie: Consecration) and dealt with quickly. There are usually only a few whelps on each side so this is never a big deal.

There should no whelp spawns what so ever during this phase unless someone gets knocked into the eggs. If there are whelps the whelp groups (group 7 and group 8, one for each side) has the sole duty of taking care of them. You should be able to handle any amount of whelps that come, but any more than about 10 will damage long term survivability significantly. Don't get anywhere near the whelps and you will be fine. Note: the eggs do not require you to stand on top of them before the spawn like UBRS Rookery room, their agro/spawn distance is much larger.


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