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Post  sarah Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:51 am

It seems that Eve's latest grand update to their serviers (codenamed: Trinity) will blow up your computer:


Please do not reboot your computer without reading this information and determining if your system might be affected.

(Note that Windows Vista is not affected)

If you are only using the Classic client or installed the Premium client using the full Premium installer than you are not affected.

If you upgraded from the Classic client to the Premium client, using the content upgrade, then please read on.

Check the root directory of your hard drive and see if you have a boot.ini file, if so then you are not affected. The file is normally hidden so you need to click Tools : Folder Options : View and select "Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files" to be able to see it.

You can also check for the presence of this file by clicking Start : Control Panel : System : Advanced : Startup and Recovery : Settings (third button down). Windows will alert you if the boot.ini file is missing.

If there is no file then please read the following articles:

Microsoft Articles

How to edit the Boot.ini file in Windows XP
"Invalid Boot.ini" or "Windows could not start" error messages when you start your computer
Contents of a sample boot.ini:


[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows XP Professional Edition" /fastdetect


More information can also be found here.

We are working on a solution for this and will have more information as soon as it's ready.

*** New Info @ 0800 *** Read this post for an alternative way of replacing boot.ini. - Mindstar

We apologise for this and are working as best we can to find a solution.

Eve Online Development Team


So yeah, someone pretty much screwed up something in the code somewhere and wound up removing the boot.ini file from your home computer. Some Eve players are calling this the Trinity Virus. Cute name.

Some folks are saying no big deal, just reformat your computer. For you dumbfracks that don't understand what this means for some folks let me break it down for you: many people don't have a friggin clue how a computer works beyond messing with a keyboard and mouse. Ever see anyone double click a link on a website when a single link would work? They can't figure out why there are two extra open windows to the website they just opened up. Yes, they are dumbarses. Now, with that said: if these people don't have knowledgeable and good friends, that means these people are going to go out and have to pay someone to fix their mess. Let's not talk about those folks that are working on important work projects at home, term papers, etc. Losing their work is a pain. Backing up is required but how many people actually do that? If you don't, you suck and should mail your computer back anyway. Even so, if CCP had tested their install package for this update properly, this probably would've been caught. There are even rumors that beta testers of the Trinity update found the error and reported it. Note that this is NOT confirmed and I haven't dug deep enough to find out. Yet. I do know this: if true, then A) it wasn't fixed, or B) it was fixed and the wrong patch was set up for download. Either way, CCP is "GG!pwned!" For those that don't get it: you are fracked. Someone is going to get a hair in the arse, remember the Mickey D's Coffee Burn Fiasco and sue CCP for the damage done to their computers. Lifetime memberships would be nice! I hope CCP's pockets are deep because this isn't going to go away anytime soon. Stay tuned. I intend on following this one.

Yeah I am still around and I am still a mean SOB. Sometimes. Hmmm...some random thoughts for you to digest-

1) Anyone ever experience writer's block before? Anyone that has ever experienced it will know what it's like to sit in front of a computer and think: damn, I have done that before, it's old. Hey what about this!? Nah, sounds to angry and I don't want to sound that angry anymore. Even though I am, I still have much more constructive ways of managing it. Like, going to a tournament and kicking someone. Martial Arts = love? Did I tell you my class is now up to 30 students? Yeah, love that. Er..next topic.

2) Marriage is hard friggin work. You do what you think it's right then she wants to change you from who you were that made her like you in the first place. Frack. Stop it. I like gaming. I like going out. You liked our sex when we...er....sorry, next topic.

3) Lord of the Rings Online, although a great game, drove me back to World of Warcraft. For some reason, LOTR:O doesn't feel that "deep" right now. I still have my LOTR:O and WOW accounts. I will give an "after action review" of LOTR:O and my time in WoW later. Please don't hold your breath. Might be a minute before I post it.

4) I hate Northeastern, OH in the winter. Can I go back down south now? PLEASE!?

5) Puerto Rico is the shizznitz. I must hit the lottery and retire there. Soon. Anyone want to give me their winning ticket?

Ok, that's all for now.

Hasta la tatta.

- Nieves


Posts : 201
Join date : 2008-03-22

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