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The WoW Blog of Your Average WoW Player

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The WoW Blog of Your Average WoW Player Empty The WoW Blog of Your Average WoW Player

Post  pwppxb Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:25 pm

Well I decided to actually start a WoW-Blog.

I haven't gotten on WoW at all today. Aside from it being Tuesday, it's well... Tuueeessssddaayyy. And that means a really loong day in terms of classes.

As of right now nothing interesting is happening. Just decided I'd do this whilst I work on a Geo paper I have due tomorrow.

Crap you prolly don't care about:
Your Average WoW Player
Gender: Male
Status: Single, failing miserably at getting a Girl Friend
Age: 15-20
Favorite Color: Blue
WoW stuff:
4 Characters:
Aeralin: Level 62 Night Elf Marksmenship Hunter (SHELVED) (Scarlet Crusade)
Jenzon: Level 40 Draenei Elementalism Shaman (Main) (Scarlet Crusade)
Jenzanne: Level 19 Blood Elf Rogue (Alt) (Scarlet Crusade)
Teddyson: Level 14 Tauren Druid (Means of talking to RL friend) (Emerald Dream)

--Fin-- http://www.worldofwar.net/forums/blogs/viewblog.php?userid=152790&entry=137

Posts : 109
Join date : 2008-04-01

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