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So Long & Thanks For All The Fish

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So Long & Thanks For All The Fish Empty So Long & Thanks For All The Fish

Post  pwppxb Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:29 pm

"Day 7 in the Big Brother household" and I still havent heard anything from Blizzard technical support. Dont worry I wont mention it again because I have resigned myself to the fact that they are not going to reply & Im not going to the trouble of sending all the data again. I even tried their support forums but a bigger waste of time I have yet to come across.

So I have decided to take a break from WoW. Im pretty cut up about it & know the problem wont solve itself but its getting me down that I cant play so I need to find other diversions.

It was my eldest sons birthday yesterday and he got a new PC (all Vista'd up) and a game called S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Hes a total WoW geek though so it was interesting to see him try to play an FPS game. there he went all guts and glory running in, not knowing about ammo clips only containing a finite amount and that aiming for the head is harder but more certain of a kill than just blasting away, and he was getting soooo mullered. These are the games I excel at and enjoy, so I helped him out with a few tips and then went and stuck Half Life 2 back on my machine and jumped into HL2DM.

How long I can / will stay away from WoW is questionable, but essentially I dont expect to be updating my blog for a little while.

For those of you who have read my ramblings, I hope you enjoyed it. I hope to be able to continue, but who knows eh?

As for Blizzard, well great game guys and girls, but your support kinda sucks a little.

[Sigh..!!] http://www.worldofwar.net/forums/blogs/viewblog.php?userid=284801&entry=528

Posts : 109
Join date : 2008-04-01

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