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Post  pwppxb Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:48 pm

I haven't posted anything for quite a while. I guess I've been too busy actually playing the game instead of writing about it. I think that's a good thing though.

So, what have I been up to lately? A few things really...

Lately I've been taking more breaks from playing my hunter, Numli, and have been working instead on my shaman, Pinkeyepete. I had initially leveled him up to 15 where he sat for some time. For some reason I found it rather difficult to get past that level. I don't know why, but just getting from level 15 to 17 seem a chore to do. But, once I got to level 17, I was off lick a rocket...sorta.

In no time I was up to level 22 and finished everything I could find on Bloodmyst Isle and made my slow trek to Stormwind. I'm now wanting to do a couple runs of The Deadmines (VC) to get used to being a healer in a group since I'm specing this guy resto.

I've also been doing some stuff on my hunter. I've been working on getting him some of the Dungeon 3 gear, specifically Beast Lord Cuirass, Beast Lord Handguards, Beast Lord Helm, and Pauldrons of Desolation. So, I've been running as many instances as I can get the time to do, which unfortunately isn't a lot. A couple nights ago I did Arcatraz for the first time. It doesn't have any of the gear I mentioned above, but it does have the 3rd key frag for Kara attunment.

It was a good, and very interesting, run to say the least. First, no one had the key to get in, so we were at the mercy of someone coming by and opening the door to get into the instance. Thankfully we had a Shaman (which can res) and a Warlock (which would put a soul stone on the Shaman), so if we wiped, we usually didn't have to work at getting back in again. Lastly, when we were almost done the instance, and the very last boss, the instance server crashed and kicked all out if the instance and out of our groups. Lost the instance and all but one of the group members, found our tank outside the instance, both of us wondering what the heck just happened.

I wasn't too upset, I got everything a Kara atuning, leatherworking hunter can take out of that instance, pretty much. The Third Key Fragment, Pattern: Flame Armor Kit, and Emberhawk Crossbow. It was a good run indeed.

Also, last night I ran Botanica for the first time as well. A great run. We never wiped, and we pretty much gave the instance a swift kick in the hind end. We pretty much pwned it. I was hoping for Beast Lord Cuirass to drop, but it never did. No worries, just have to run it again! http://www.worldofwar.net/forums/blogs/viewblog.php?userid=273881&entry=627

Posts : 109
Join date : 2008-04-01

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