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In Nothing against Priests, but...

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In Nothing against Priests, but... Empty In Nothing against Priests, but...

Post  pwppxb Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:00 am

you're weak.

Before the barrage of angry Priests out there come down upon my head, let's back up a bit here.

I was out in Terokkar Forest, doing a quest where I had to get into a Skettis village, kill one of their, I would call, leaders and obtain a relic of sorts from them. I was just a little north-east of Tuurem, sitting on my mount working up a plan as to how I was going to get into this village of Skettis, kill this leader, steal the relic thing, and get out when all of a sudden I was being attacked.

I had a dot on me. My assailant had caught me quite off guard. I didn't think I was close enough to aggro any mobs, and it was a dot that most NPC's don't have. I then noticed my attacker was a horde, a female Troll Priest.

Now friends of mine had always talked about how when they saw a lone priest wandering around, they would consider that priest a "free kill". Essentially saying that it would not take much effort to down the priest before it had a chance to do a lot of damage to them. I had not had a chance to test this theory until now.

I paused a few seconds to decide if I really wanted to fight this priest, I made up my mind, dismounted, and sent my pet after my target along with a hail of bullets. Since the priest had been able to take me off guard, he had a good head start at getting me down. Thankfully I'm a BM spec hunter, which I think is the worst spec hunter a squishy can go up against one on one.

Once my pet was after the priest, I hit Intimidation, stunning the priest for 3 seconds, allowing me to get a number of good hits in. The priest hit me with a few more dots and a couple other spells before I had to hit a healing pot. Once the pot was down it was Bestial Wraith (with The Beast Within) to increase my pets damage and mine, and let loose a few more shots. We jostled around for a bit and the priest slowly made her way closer to me. Once she was close enough I swung in with a Raptor Strike which critted at just the right time, finishing the priest off.

The priest was the same level as me, so the fight was a fair one, but with nearly every other class that can catch me off guard and get a good head start on damage like the priest had, I would have been dead.

The priest did do a good job, I was down to about 500 hit points once her dots finally faded away, but it was not enough.

As I said, nothing against priests, but you guys are weak. In the end it was her own fault for attacking me and at least she was honorable enough to attack me while I was just sitting there instead of while I was in the middle of some other fight. But as a squishy priest, she needs to think a little more about who she is going to attack when she is all alone. http://www.worldofwar.net/forums/blogs/viewblog.php?userid=273881&entry=273

Posts : 109
Join date : 2008-04-01

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