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Stop begging

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Stop begging Empty Stop begging

Post  yhcbty Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:53 am

Beggar level 20 Dwarf hunter - Hey can you spare me a few gold, I'm trying to get money for my epic mount.

At this time a trade window pops up.

Me - Pardon me, do I know you, why are you asking me for money?

Beggar level 20 Dwarf hunter - Cuz ur a 49 warrior and u should have lots of gold to spare, come on dude you can spare some gold.

Me - All the money I have I worked hard to get. Selling pots and looting from mobs and quest rewards. I suggest you do the same.

Beggar level 20 Dwarf hunter - Awww come on, give me some gold.

Another trade window pops up. I give him worthless items that have no value to vendors

Beggar level 20 Dwarf hunter - UR an ass, Go F-yourself.

Me - You're going on my ignore list. Good bye

I get pestered continually by players who are far to lazy to work for the money they need to buy things. Some ask for just a couple of silver or copper and complain that I should be more helpful. I will tell them that I will help them all the want with questing, which earns you money, but giving you my hard earned gold, fuhgetaboutit. http://www.worldofwar.net/forums/blogs/viewblog.php?userid=341481&entry=173

Posts : 68
Join date : 2008-04-01

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