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The Dark Side

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The Dark Side Empty The Dark Side

Post  yhcbty Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:48 am

I decided to join some friends on a new server, and rolled a new character 2 weeks ago. However, unlike all my other characters (except 1), this one's Horde. Now, I "grew up" on a PvP server as a proud member of the Alliance, so my attitude towards Horde players has always been somewhat... hostile?

Despite all that, I rolled a Blood Elf Paladin called Slinc on Boulderfist, a PvP realm on the US servers. Everything went well as I rose through the levels, the BE starting area is so cool, and I soon made some friends. I was invited to a great guild (with the unusual name " I RP in Bed", but hey, they're a good bunch!), which I joined. We were all around the same level so it was easy to get groups for instances such as SM and RFK/D.

It wasn't until I started venturing out into the big wide world on my own, that the ganking started, and boy, did it start. I was previously under the impression that Horde players were low, after having been ganked several times over the years on my various Alliance characters, but this really took the biscuit. The other night in Searing Gorge, I must've been killed about 15 times, sometimes by the same 2 Alliance, sometimes by the passing level 70 who thought he'd have a laugh at my expense.

Anyway, all this has made me look at Alliance in a new light. I've heard that Horde generally tend to be more mature, I think I have to agree with that now (I never thought I'd ever be saying that). The amount of jerks I've had attack me repeatedly for no reason whatsoever, I can really understand why Horde sometimes gank Alliance now - revenge!

Well, I'm going to return to leveling Slinc now, should hit 53 tonight if the server comes back up before I have to turn in I just want to say Hi to all my new guildies, including the GMs Xtorm and Xiuki, Fleshrend, for running me through RFD sooooo many times as well all the other times he helped me, Veara and his lvl 70 Mage for finally getting me Carapace of Tuten'kash and all the other dudes who have been so cool and made my WoW time such a laugh. See you in-game!

Posts : 68
Join date : 2008-04-01

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The Dark Side Empty Re: The Dark Side

Post  instance Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:24 am

Despite all that, I rolled a Blood Elf Paladin called Slinc on Boulderfist, a PvP realm on the US servers. Everything went well as I rose through the levels, the BE starting area is so cool, and I soon made some friends. I was invited to a great guild (with the unusual name " I RP in Bed", but hey, they're a good bunch!), which I joined. We were all around the same level so it was easy to get groups for instances such as SM and RFK/D.


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