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Version History

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Version History Empty Version History

Post  sarah Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:18 am

Version 0.5- Finished up the majority of the guide
Version 1.0- Finished the original guide for GWU
Version 2.0- Added several new parts to the guide and fixed it up for posting
at Gamefaqs
Version 2.3- Redid some parts due to changes in retail, added an FAQ section as
well as a few new explanations on the guide itself. So stop e-mailing me about
the Dye Traders Smile
Version 2.6- Added more to FAQ section, added a Terminology section, explained
Bork! Bork! Bork!
Version 2.8- Added emote list, added to FAQ section, added Guild Creation
section. Also added a section or two here and there and revised spelling.
Version 3.0- A few minor tweaks and content additions here and there, guide is
probably done unless a new feature is added in the future to GW(Update, okay so
I lied Razz).
Version 3.1- Updated contact information, added a few new questions to FAQ
Version 3.4- Gave the entire guide a facelift and categorized the information
Version 3.6- Observer mode, detailed class choosing information, and a few
other tweaks here and there.
Version 4.0- Probably last update before Factions hits, added info on
Ritualist, Assassin, added to FAQ section, and an entire section devoted to
PvP. Possibly my biggest update yet. Smile
Version 4.1- Added Cantha Info
Version 4.2- Elona and various large updates

Posts : 201
Join date : 2008-03-22

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