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Skills & Attributes.

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Skills & Attributes. Empty Skills & Attributes.

Post  sarah Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:19 am

+Skill Points-Skill Points are another essential part of Guild Wars. Through
gaining levels you also gain Skill Points. You can also obtain them by
completing some quests and you will get one per mission you complete in
addition to getting more by gaining "Ranks" from having Fame. Every time you
purchase a skill from a "Skill Trainer" one point is deducted from your total.
Even after you achieve level 20 you can still get more skill points by filling
up your XP bar. Granted, you will not get extra attribute points for this but
you will get one skill point for it. The amount of GP a skill costs is
increased per skill you purchase.

+Skills-Skills are a defining part of your character. Some skills enhance your
attack; Judge's Insight gives your attacks a 20% armor penetration. Other
skills like the Elementalists Flare attack deals fire damage to a target.
Every time you obtain a new skill, the skill is "Unlocked" for your account.
Meaning that any PvP character you make will have immediate access to this
skill. Most skills cost a portion of your mana to cast, but some use
adrenaline instead. Let's take a look at a skill called "Smite".


The 10 with the blue circle next to it represents the mana consumed by casting
Smite. The 1 with the clock next to it represents the cast time for the spell,
for this one it takes 1 second to cast it. Lastly, the 10 with the curled
arrow represents the recharge time for the spell, for Smite it takes 10 seconds
before the spell is usable again. Adrenaline skills are a bit different
however. Adrenaline is how a Warrior charges up many of their skills for use.
Each time they hit someone they gain a hit of adrenaline in their adrenaline
charger. When this charger reaches the amount necessary to use an Adrenaline
Skill, the skill is then usable. Skills are obtained by purchasing them from
Skill Trainers, obtaining them by completing a quest, and by using Signets of
Capture on bosses. There are also skills that are called "Elite" because they
are extremely potent skills. You may carry only one Elite skill into any given
battle and they are obtained exclusively through Signet of Captures.

+Skill Trainers-Skill trainers are the people who will teach you some of your
skills. The majority of your skills, however, will come from Quests you obtain
from NPC's. For one skill point and some GP (GP amount based on the number of
skills you have purchased) you may purchase a skill from the Trainer. Many of
the Official Guild Wars fan sites have lists of where the Skill Trainers are
and what skills each one offers.

+Attributes- To open your attribute table, press K (Assigned by default). Here
you will notice a listing of the available attributes. These attributes will
vary based on what character class you chose for a primary. For example, a
Ranger will have listed Wilderness Survival, Expertise, Marksmanship, and Beast
Mastery. It will also tell you how many points are needed to raise the skill
to the next level. Each attributes max is level 12 unless you obtain skill
runes to raise it further. Each class also has an attribute that is available
to only the Primary class. To gain attribute points to raise these skills you
must gain experience points and levels.


Posts : 201
Join date : 2008-03-22

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