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Information on DEX

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Information on DEX Empty Information on DEX

Post  ssjuc Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:20 pm

A big controversy in warrior build is the DEX Cap. The whole point of DEX is accuracy. However, you will also want to keep your damage as high as possible. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the DEX you have just as much as you need, so you'll have no problem hitting everything while doing as high damage as possible under that condition.

First of all, the whole point of DEX is to increase your accuracy. There are a lot of ways to improve your accuracy. Listed below are most of the ways.

* Adding points into DEX (1 DEX = 0.8 accuracy)
* Mastery skill (Passive Skill) (provides a +20 accuracy at max)
* Scrolling shoes for DEX (Better accuracy bonus than scrolling for jump from cheaper scrolls)
* Scrolling shoes for Jump (Worse accuracy bonus than scrolling for DEX, but these add jump, which s nice for warriors. DEX also adds a small amount of damage)
* Scrolling overall for DEX (A prime source of DEX for level 80+ and most low DEX warriors)
* Scrolling cape for DEX (Depending on the price of STR cape scrolls and DEX cape scrolls)
* Scrolling glove for DEX (Not recommended. You'd do better to put points into DEX and get an attack glove)
* Scrolling helmets for accuracy (Not recommended, as it is only available in 30% and 70% scrolls by Gachapon. You run the risk of destroying your helmet.)
* Sniper Potions (+5 accuracy for 3 minutes.)
* Sniper Pills (+10 accuracy for 10 minutes, only available in the Ludibrium potion store. They're cheaper and more effective.)
* Having a Cleric/Priest cast Bless (+20 accuracy for 200 seconds, but it cancels out any sniper pills/potions)
* Zakum Helm (The single best accuracy raising equip in the game. An average stat Zakum Helm will grant 39.5 accuracy to the player. To obtain, player must go with a group of players to defeat Zakum since it cannot be traded.)

As you can see, adding DEX is not the only option of raising accuracy you will need to hit a specific monster.

These formula are used by the calculator here. Another calculator can be found here.

The following values are required

* (AVOID) Monster avoidability
* (ACC) Character Accuracy
* (LVLDIFF) Difference between the monsters level and your own. This is calculated as Monster level - Character level. If the value is less than 0, just use 0

If you are a higher level than the enemy, this formula tells how much accuracy is required to hit every time:

3.68 * AVOID

This formula tells how much accuracy is required to hit the enemy 100% at your level:

3.68 * AVOID + 0.15 * LVLDIFF * AVOID

This formula tells the hit ratio for any enemy at your level:

Hit Ratio = 100% * (ACC/(AVOID * (1.84 + 0.075 * LVLDIFF))-1)

For example, you will need an accuracy of 111 to fully hit a Yeti & Pepe at level 78+ (Recommended level 80+ so you can save DEX by scrolling the overall instead), 140 accuracy to hit Bains on level 90+, and 148 accuracy to hit Crimson Balrog on level 100+. To be accurate, you need 92 accuracy at level 57 to hit Zombies 100%.http://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory/Warrior_Guide

Posts : 119
Join date : 2008-04-01

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