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Second Job Skill Builds

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Second Job Skill Builds Empty Second Job Skill Builds

Post  ssjuc Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:39 pm

Basically, if you choose to max only one weapon, you have enough SP to max everything. The only thing is the order.

[edit] Fighter

Fighters basically focus all their energys into attack, their damage is considered the highest out of all the second job warrior classes however their mp ratio is the lowest of the three warrior classes. Fighters MUST max Sword mastery first if they want their damage to be balanced. There has been a debate on whether to get Rage or Final Attack after Sword Mastery. Well if your rich, I'd go for Final Attack and then Rage because you can just rely on Takoyakis from Zipangu in the meantime although they're expensive worth around 3k of mesos.

Option 1

* 19 Weapon Mastery (19)
* 5 Weapon Booster (5)
* 30 Final Attack: Weapon (MAX)
* 3 Rage (3)
* 30 Power Guard (MAX)
* 17 Rage (MAX)
* 15 Weapon Booster (MAX)
* 1 Weapon Mastery (MAX) (Warrior need as much accuracy as they can have)
* 1 Anywhere (1)

Option 2

* 19 Sword Mastery (19)
* 19 Rage (19)
* 5 Sword Booster (5)
* 30 Final Attack (MAX)
* 3 Sword Booster (Cool
* 30 Power Guard (MAX)
* 7 Sword Booster (15)
* 1 Sword Mastery (MAX)
* 7 Iron Body (10)

You can choose freely the order of Final Attack, Rage, and Power Guard. Just keep in mind to max Power Guard AFTER Final Attack, and that you need 3 Rage to unlock Power Guard.

Power Guard Build

* 3 Rage (3)
* 30 Power Guard (MAX)
* 20 Sword Mastery (20)
* Remaining skill points optional

This build is used by Hp Fighters. Hp fighters are warriors who put 35 on STR and the rest on hp, they use the damage taken as an advantage in their attacks thus making their primary attack Power Guard. These kind of warriors aren't recommended due to the fact they're very hard to raise to level 30 and they don't have much choice of armor and weapons.http://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory/Warrior_Guide/Builds

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Join date : 2008-04-01

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