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The New Job One Debate: AB vs. Focus vs. Blessing

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The New Job One Debate: AB vs. Focus vs. Blessing Empty The New Job One Debate: AB vs. Focus vs. Blessing

Post  ssjuc Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:08 am

Note: This section is currently incomplete.

All right, so we proved that DS > AB, but that still doesn't answer whether to get blessing, focus, or AB for your free 9 points. It should be noted that whatever you do, some archers consider these 9 points to be a waste anyway, so there is no massive disadvantage any way you go. Additionally, just because a build is cookie cutter doesn't mean it is the "best" either.

Pros for Blessing:

* Passive -- No worries about casting or anything. Once you place points in here, you forget them, and they will always work to your favor
* Stacks with Cleric's bless -- Unlike focus, Blessing stacks with the skill "Bless" assuming you are with a cleric.
o Rebuttal: It is difficult to find a cleric, and archers hit most targets at 100% accuracy before they can even break the armor of enemies, so accuracy is generally a non-issue.

Cons for Blessing:

* Archers have highest accuracy in the game, blessing does virtually nothing for an archer.
* You gain about 2 levels worth of accuracy, every level you gain you basically get free accuracy + the fact you got dex
* Opportunity cost for active Avoidability (aka, focus) or 10 AB.

Pros for Focus:

* Offers a potential of 20 avoid (9 if you go for the 9 focus build).
* Works great in FA-less build, as you can use points in 2nd job to finish off focus.

Cons for Focus:

* Active -- for you lazy people, you have to cast this skill.
o Rebuttal: You don't have to cast it if you don't want to, only cast it if you feel it will make a difference. Example: Stone golems have very low accuracy, so using focus in Stone Golem temple is a good idea. Basically, if you need it, it is there for you.
* Costs MP with no direct offensive output.
o Rebuttal: MP costs is minimal compared to DS.
* You don't max this until 2nd job. Till then, you have 9 focus
o Rebuttal: 9 avoidability is still a lot.
* Opportunity cost for AB if you get Final attack
o Rebuttal: 10 AB without final attack is too pathetically weak to train with
* May increase chance of 'false hit' when used in conjunction with puppet

Pros for 10 AB:

* Offers a cheaper alternative to your level 20 DS, 9mp for MSea (someone, check this please was it 9 or 10 ???) and 7 for OMS.
* MP efficiency! This attack has the most MP efficiency of all Bowman skills if you get Final attack.
o Rebuttal: Mana is cheap at level 50 and above, and by that point, killing efficiency takes priority over money-efficiency.
+ Rebuttal-Rebuttal: Bowmen use lots of mana at lower levels and are easily one of the poorest classes early on; having a cheaper skill that still does comparable damage is a nice advantage.
# Rebuttal^3: There is always "Normal" attack that uses no mana; although it is weaker.
* Best synergy with FA. FA enhances this skill with a lot more damage.

Cons for 10 AB:

* Pathetically weak in comparison to DS.
* In MSEA, level 1 AB costs 6 mana for ??? (MSEA archers, please fill out what the most efficient level for AB is.)
* Opportunity cost for Focus.
* AB will be underused at higher levels, a big waste of 10 SP.

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Join date : 2008-04-01

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