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Training locations

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Post  ssjuc Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:15 am

* Level 30-34: Ant Tunnel. With Meba+7 or Mithril Gaurds+7 and warrior potions, you should be able to 1HKO Zombie Mushroom semi-consistently. If you DON'T have the Meba+7 or Mithril Gaurds+7...bring MP pots to keep replenishing your MP while you use Lucky Seven. If you're funded and have kumbis or better, skip ahead to boars. The Jr Kitties are an option if you're a Pure Luck Sin (your DEX is 25 forever), since you can 1HKO them 100% with L7.

* Level 35-40: Land of Wild Boar I. You should still keep that Meba (which, combined with Booster, will make you shoot at an unholy rate), and you will be able to 1HKO boars at least 90% of the time with a decent star.

* Level 40-42: Cave of Evil Eye. At this point Boars will probably become too slow and you won't be able to 1HKO Fire Boars consistently yet, so stick with Evil Eyes for a bit. Funded people should go for Chirpies.

* Level 43-49: Your options are open. Straw Target Dummies (STDs) Very Good Exp/Mesos/Drops (Worth a lot), Dark Leatties, Leatties, Jr Kitties, Fire Boars, Jr Wraiths, Monkey Forest I, and eventually Cloud Park IV are all decent choices. Copper Drakes, if you can consistently 2-hit KO them, are decent as well. A new alternative is the new Ludi PQ that like the kerning PQ gives good prizes and can be less boring than normal training. Try not to get bored, as a character tends to do so in their high 40s. (addon) Consider killing the new chronos family of monsters as they can drop tobis, kumbis and the platoon ones drop glove atk scrolls 60%. Also Jr. Grupins give Kumbis and are easier to kill than the Platoon or Master Chronos which drop Kumbis as well. Consider doing these three quests at the same time when killing Jr. Kitties

The Horn Flute, Protecting Nero, and "Lightening" Orbis

* Level 50-59: You should stick with STDs, Monkey Forest I or Cloud Park IV, maybe go borebreaking in Cloud Park VI once in a while. You probably still can't 3HKO zombies consistently, but if you can, by all means start massacring zombies, and killing them (again and again and again and again, for they come back after you kill them. Creepy.) You can also kill Stone Golems or if you're daring, Dark Stone Golems. If you have a pet with looting abilities, Fly-eyes in the cave before Pianus is also an option. Try not to get eaten by sharks!

* Level 60-70: Voodoo and Hooodos. There's nothing like them. STDs are good to train on until level 70 or 75, all depending on your attack. You can make good money from them too, if you can 1-2 hit ko. Zombies can still work, though. You can also try a variety of places including Hectors, Jr Yeti, Grupins, Cold Field (Level 60), Icy Valley I (Level 60), Crown Flyer (Level 60), Golems (FoG)(both types), Luster Pixies.

For MapleSea

* Level 6X-70: Train at Sg maps such as Mp2 (slow), Mp3, Gs2 and Gs3

These maps ARE Wonderful... However, don expect to train for a VERY long time without Ks wars and Raiders. Exp are Great. There are lots of Sniping spots and Hp are low.http://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory/Thief_Guide

Posts : 119
Join date : 2008-04-01

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