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Assassin Path

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Assassin Path Empty Assassin Path

Post  eybumm Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:43 am

There are two builds for assassins, one for starters with no money from other accounts, and one for people who already have a reasonable amount of money from other accounts.
First Job Build Nimble Body MAX (20)
Keen Eyes MAX (Cool
Double Stab 0
Disorder 3
Dark Sight 10
Lucky 7s 20 MAX (20)
Level by Level Breakdown Level What to get Level What to get
10 1 Lucky Seven (1) 21 3 Lucky Seven (6)
11 3 Nimble Body (3) 22 3 Lucky Seven (9)
12 3 Keen Eyes 23 3 Lucky Seven (12)
13 3 Keen Eyes (6) 24 3 Lucky Seven (15)
14 2 Keen Eyes (Cool 1 Nimble Body (4) 25 3 Lucky Seven (18)
15 3 Nimble Body (7) 26 2 Lucky Seven (20) 1 Disorder (1)
16 3 Nimble Body (10) 27 2 Disorder (3) 1 Dark Sight
17 3 Nimble Body (13) 28 3 Dark Sight (4)
18 3 Nimble Body (16) 29 3 Dark Sight (7)
19 3 Nimble Body (19) 30 3 Dark Sight (10)
20 1 Nimble Body (20) 2 Lucky Seven (3)

Keen Eyes is a must-max. You MUST have range to train efficiently. 10 points in lucky seven helps you to be able to kill things left and right in pig beach (which is actually pretty profitable), and you max Lucky Seven at level 25, at a point where you can train on green mushrooms. Disorder is nearly useless for assassins since it forces you to go melee.

Why the 1 point of Lucky Sevens so early? Simple; You got a full mana bar! You might as well use it!

Wealthy Build variation
Max Lucky Seven after Keen Eyes but before Nimble Body. Then, buy lots and lots of blue potions and spam Lucky Seven. This will allow you to train on tougher monsters, although you probably won't be able to 1 hit green mushrooms efficiently at that level without good stars. This is not recommended unless you're rich enough to have good attack gloves, as well as kumbis/icicles.

In-the-middle alternative
Get Lucky Seven to around 10 before maxing Nimble Body, after Keen Eyes. You can 1HKO pigs and 2HKO ribbon pigs consistently with L7 at level 17, which isn't too hard on your money. Good if you want to level fast without spending a lot of mesos. http://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory/Thief_Guide/Builds

Posts : 115
Join date : 2008-04-01

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