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The Ludi Monsters Breakdown Chart

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The Ludi Monsters Breakdown Chart Empty The Ludi Monsters Breakdown Chart

Post  vmvznv Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:37 pm

Warped Path of Time 3:

What monsters are found here?
Ghost Pirates
30000 HP
Weak to fire
3200 KB
1100 EXP

16000 HP
Resistant to fire
1500 KB
340 EXP
Recommended for: Level 70+

How Ghost Pirates attack: Their attack pattern very simple.

Heres a simple list:
1) They will NEVER attack as long as you stay close to them.
2) If you are slightly higher then them THEY WILL ATTACK.
(off ground level, like jumping or on a rope for example)
3) Their magic attack is not AVOIDABLE.
4) If you are DIRECTLY ABOVE or BELOW them they cannot attack.

How Bafoons attack: Nothing special here.
All they do is slam down their giant clock. This attack is not avoidable.

Description of map:

This is a pretty large map...even for Ludi.
It is full of alot of safe spots to spam Explosion/F-Arrow without the worry of touch damage.
The Bafoons only spawn near the top of the map.
However they are very annoying to kill, being weak to fire and all.
The rest of the map is full of Ghost Pirates. Most of this maps spawn
happens on the bottom level so Explosion makes easy exp out of them
on the far left platform.
Move in a clockwise pattern for full exp gain.

Overall Rating of this map (skill wise):

Explosion: / (4/5)
-Lots of safe spots to explode from.
-Monsters have a habit of mobbing.
Poison Mist: / (1/5)
-HP for both monsters are too low to make Mist a great help here.
Seal: / (0/5)
-Pointless here, once you have seal u'll kill these monsters with extreme ease.
Slow: / (5/5)
-Helps avoid touch damage
-Helps keep mobbed up monsters in Explosion range.
Element Composition: /
-Doesn't replace F-Arrow, as poison half doesn't add to much more damage.

Overall Rating: /
-Great alternative to Death Teddies for those who don't want to waste pots.http://www.onrpg.com/boards/297.html

Posts : 119
Join date : 2008-04-01

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