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Ultimate Zakum's First PQ Guide!

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Ultimate Zakum's First PQ Guide! Empty Ultimate Zakum's First PQ Guide!

Post  vmvznv Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:37 am

This is a write up written towards the Beginner community, however jobs can benifit from this as well. The damage may not be as big for you guys since you have hight wdef than we do.

The Following are a list of all the rooms the papers are found in in the 1st part of Zakum's quest. (*most are found from rocks)

3-2 (2)
7-2 (2)
8-1 (2)
9-2 (2)
10-2 (2) <---- The box in this room also contains a bag of 8-11k mesos
13-1 (2)
*16-5 (this one is in a box)
And in the main room there is 3 randoms
[There is 32 total, but you only need 30 to complete the paper portion]

The keys are as located:
4-2 (in a rock)
16-5 (in a rock)
[There are 7 keys, you need ALL 7 to complete the quest]

This is a picture (very poorly drawn) of the main room (If you press your map button so it shows the room name/number, these are where you can find the items you need)
Portal 7 and 10 both take you to room 16 (you need to go to 16-5 to get the fire orb)

This is a picture (once again... very poorly drawn) of room 16

Before I recommending starting this quest, load up on A LOT of hp pots. My usual is around 500-700 white hp pots, and about 100-200 pizzas or hotdogs.

The quest in itself is very easy, however there are falling rocks that do 19X-2XX damage (I'll figure out the exact damage later), fire on the ground which you have to jump over doing 14X-16X damage (haste and other speed/jump skills don't work inside the rooms), and box monsters that do 14X-17X damage and a whopping 5XX damage if they hit you with their throwing sword (two hits from that and you're dead). You really only need hp pots for this quest.

"Ok I have my pots, now what?" First you have to talk to the 3rd job advance NPC in el nath. Tell him you need access to enter into Zakum's lair and he'll grant you permission. Then (here is the tricky part) find a priest to door you to Zakum (the waiting room, not the actual boss) or find a spearman with MAXed hyperbody to escort you (almost everything will OHKO you on the way to Zakum). Got your party ready? Now decide on which channel you wish to pq in, once you get there if you change channels or log off in the waiting room, you will be sent BACK to dead mine (zombies). And I assure you, you will die trying to get back to Zakum alone. Don't pick a populated channel to pq in since only 1 party is allowing in at once. Channel 1 and 3 are usually the most populated.

Finally made it to Zakum safely? DO NOT CHANGE CHANNEL! (like I have said before, you will get sent back to dead mine) If you wish to log off without going back to town or dead mine (and you want to stay) go INTO the pq (yes, restart it) and log off in there. When you log back on (I use this technic to change channels) you will find yourself in front of Ali the NPC in the exit room.

Inside the PQ: What are you suppose to do? Hit all the boxes and piles of rocks you see to collect 7 keys (and 30 papers to make dead mine scrolls with if you have a big party) within 30 minutes. When you have gathered up all 7, go to 16-5 and you will see a giant box. Drop the 7 keys altogether in front of it and collect the fire orb to finish the quest. Then bring the orb (the 30 papers too if you have them) to the NPC (Aura) in the main room and talk to her. When you have finished leave through the portal and you will be awarded your exp (and scrolls if you had 30 papers).

If you collect 30 (2 are extra) papers, you get an additional 8k exp as well as 5 dead mine scrolls which you can sell for money later. (Anywhere from 100k-200k per scroll)

You only need to collect the 7 keys to finish the quest (which I do to train). The papers are just a bonus. If you wish to solo, just get the keys. Collecting all the papers will be impossible.

If you or your party did not get all 30 in time, you can try and smuggle the papers out. This is kind of hard, but it works. Before talking to the NPC (Aura) in the main room after getting the fire orb, drop all your paper on the ground. If you do not have exactly 30 she will take however many you have. Once you have given her just the fire orb pick up the paper(s) and leave through the portal. Once you are in the end of the pq, BEFORE you talk to Ali (the exit NPC) drop ALL the papers together in ONE stack. Have all your party members stand on top of the papers and click on ali to exit. BEFORE hitting 'OK' to leave the room, hold down your 'pick up' button. If you are luck, right before you are teleported back to the waiting room for Zakum, you will smuggle the papers (keys aren't recommended to be smuggled since they are easier to get). Usually someone with lag will be able to pick it up easier. A trick that I do is I tell everyone to start casing a skill or jump to induce lag so it makes picking up easier (I usually have people do it one at a time). Today We smuggled out 29 papers (last few papers were one a guy that for disconnected),

This is a picture of me successfully smuggling out the 29 papers.

Beginners CAN do this quest (as I have demonstrated) and we CAN solo it (as I have demonstrated as well).

Good luck with the first part!

Side note: If you are going to solo the quest, make sure you get the cash from room 10-2, it'll be easier on your wallet when you go and repot in town. Since you are not training, you are spending a lot on pots.


The second part (jump quest) I don't really recommend doing unless you are awesome in jump quests (I'm not) or have a lot of hp pots to burn. There is 2 parts to this jump quest, I usually die on the second part.

"What's so hard about it?" The lava on the bottom does about 2XX per 2-3 seconds, and if you are poisoned on top of that... well you can see where I'm going... Since we beginner don't have much hp to begin with and no support skills (such as magic guard) this makes falling very painful (and often times fatal). Althought you get 15k exp for completing it, you could have just spent those 20 minutes doing the part one of zakum twice.

Good luck if you are going to try.

©NubBeginner2006 [If you wish to copy this please pm me for permission]

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Join date : 2008-04-01

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