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Archerness's Hunter Guide

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Archerness's Hunter Guide Empty Archerness's Hunter Guide

Post  vmvznv Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:37 am

Hi everyone well I have seen around this forum a few questions about hunter guide and distribution in sp points icon_biggrin.gif...so i said heyy why not make it icon_biggrin.gif

this is just a recommendation of how to make your hunter effective and i will understand people do have their own opinion about things so feel free to comment

ok so when u become a hunter you get a free point w00t! icon_lol.gif

the skills you get as a hunter are as followed:

Bow Mastery ( 20 points to master)
Final Attack ( 30 points to master)
Bow Booster ( 20 points to master)
Power Knockback ( 20 points to master)
Soul Arrow ( 20 points to master)
Arrow Bomb (30 points to master)

as a hunter you will get 121 points to distribute so let me show you to distribute them effectively icon_wink.gif

the first point you get as a hunter should go into arrow bomb so that you may have mob control which will be key to lvling up fast at wild boar area. Reason why i say wild boar is because the exp is good at that lvl and the spawn is really fast. I would reccommend hunters hunting there till lvl 40. After that first point is put into arrow bomb its time to improve that unstable damage that us bowmans have so i recommend maxing bow mastery at this point and if im doing the math right you will be done with it at lvl 37 and i wouldnt recommend putting any other points into other things because fixing ur damage point will be another important thing to helping you get your damage more stable and giving you better chance to 1 hit ko the monsters.

after you have mastered bow mastery my suggestions would be final attack to master. I again would not bother putting any other points into your skills because you are not yet at the point were you have to go deep in the dungeon to restock and you wont need many potions just yet so master final attack next.

I would still train in wild boar till lvl 40 cuase the spawn is fast and at this point you should be 1 hit ko'ing wild boars when you hit lvl 41 or 42 i would suggest to start to train on either curse eyes in the tree in ellinia cuase the spawn is fast there too or if you can get about 3 of your buddies with you i would suggest fire boar in the first area cause the spawn is fast there if you get a couple of people with you covering areas.

when you get the the point were u can deal 1.2k damage about 80% of the time its time to go stone golems. these guys give good exp and is a small area and if u get 1 person with you one covering the top and one covering the bottom its an xtremely great lvling spot. I would suggest lvling here all the way till lvl 50 and possibly lvl 52. Final Attack will be bery helpful here because when maxed that xtra arrow will deal over 1k damage if you have your stats right enabling you to kill these golems at a fast rate.

so at lvl 47 your stats should look like this

bow mastery ( maxed )
final attack ( maxed)
bow booster ( 0 )
powerknockback ( 0 )
Soul Arrow ( 0 )
Arrow Bomb (1)

ok once we have those I would reccommend here putting a couple of points into soul arrow and bow booster.i would put 3 into soul arrow and then get bow booster up to 9, u can distribute them in w/e manner but i believe getting them to 3/9 is key cause now you will attack faster and you can start to not waste slots on arrow giving you more potions so you wont have to keep going back to town to restock icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif .

sooo now we are at lvl 51 icon_cool.gif and you should look something like this

bow mastery ( maxed)
final attack ( maxed)
bow booster ( 9 )
powerknock back ( 0 )
soul arrow (3)
Arrow Bomb (1)

ok now if you can deal 1.2k damage most of the time to dark golems its time to go there =). You wanna get to the point were you can kill these guys in 3-4 shots cause they arent as annoying at the point and they are actually a good spot to lvl too all the way till you bout lvl 65.it gets even better when u can kill em within 2 shots =).

best area to train in is in a party of 3 in dark stone golem dungeon 4. The spawn is massive and 1 of you can cover the 3 platform giving you awesome exp. at this point i would distribute 8 points to powerknock for it will be useful in pushing back the curse eyes and golems coming at you because sometimes you will find yourself sorrounded in that platform and you will need to form space between you and them. After you have done that its time to max the hunter prided skill...Arrow Bomb icon_cool.gif. this skill will also help you control the mobs of curse eyes and dark golem..but as well will be the key for you to be able to hunt effectevily in the sanctuary against cold eyes and tauromacis.

if you have done your build right it should be like this to recap at lvl 64.

bow mastery ( maxed )
final attack ( maxed )
bow booster (9)
powerknockback (icon_cool.gif
Soul arrow ( 3 )
Arrow Bomb ( maxed )

I would hunt dark golem at lvl 64 still. I would only recommend moving onto sanctuary 2 when you have around 1.9k hp and can do 1.8k damage more than 80% of the time. You will also have to come with plenty of unagis and pure waters or elixirs. Because its a long walk down and you wouldnt want to stock just a little use those extra slots now cause you dont have to put arrows in them^^.

At this point i would focus on maxing powerknockback cause by point if you have asianic and at lvl 8 power knockback...you can knockback enemies 61% of the times..and when its maxed..you will knock them back 85% of the time ^^.and then with your final points...you can put bow booster to 15 giving you 2 and half minutes of bow booster..and soul arrow at 5 giving you 2 and half minutes of soul arrow as well. And bow booster does not increase your speed of attack with more points in it..and soul arrow going past 5 i dont see andvantage in it. You will then have 1 extra point left over..i would just throw it in first job skill hehe icon_biggrin.gif ..so in the end your build looks like this

Bow Mastery (maxed)
Final attack ( maxed )
bow booster (15)
Power knockback (maxed)
Soul Arrow (5)
Arrow Bomb (maxed)

If for example you had a first job skill that you didnt finish you could take away 4 points away and add them to first job skill. 3 taken away from booster and 1 from soul arrow can be dealt with. I only set it up this way if you had no other points to add into first job. Just to give you another option ^^

I hope this helps this is my first guide ever written so if it needs upgrading please let me know and i will be more then happy to do it. icon_lol.gif http://www.onrpg.com/boards/88.html

Posts : 119
Join date : 2008-04-01

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