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more may be added later, but anyways

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more may be added later, but anyways Empty more may be added later, but anyways

Post  vmvznv Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:45 am

more may be added later, but anyways
(c)copywright mazzilliu if you reproduce this guide anywhere in part or whole all i want is the credit
i only plan to post this on onrpg, sleepywood, maybe gamefaqs. if you see it posted anywhere else without credit PM me on sleepywood, my user is elsakoo2
this guide will probably be changed in future.
dont whisper me ingame about the guide, if you have questions reply in the topic i posted it in

-i dont claim to have first come up with the idea of a banditsin, or scrolling for dex, or anything in this guide. this is merely a compilation of my experiences with banditsins, discussions with other players and common knowledge-

mazzilliu- level 64 banditsin [beta]
mazzilliu- level 8x banditsin [scania]

Made by Mazzilliu, Last edited August 10th, 2005 http://www.onrpg.com/boards/96.html

Posts : 119
Join date : 2008-04-01

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more may be added later, but anyways Empty Re: more may be added later, but anyways

Post  common Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:02 am

i dont claim to have first come up with the idea of a banditsin, or scrolling for dex, or anything in this guide. this is merely a compilation of my experiences with banditsins, discussions with other players and common knowledge-


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