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Announcement: MapleTip Rules and Welcome Message

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Announcement: MapleTip Rules and Welcome Message Empty Announcement: MapleTip Rules and Welcome Message

Post  gzpmtk Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:27 am

Welcome to MapleTip!

MapleTip is a MapleStory Fan website and forums, and like many other forums, we have our own set of guidelines are members should abide to. Please help keep the community sane by abiding to the following rules and guidelines.


Section One: Potential Warn and/or Ban Scenarios

Anybody found disobeying the following rules will be warned and/or banned approximately.


1. No cursing / foul language (10% warning per incident)

Cursing will not be tolerated. You will find cursing to be a difficult task anyway as we have filters set up to block specific curse words. Those that are persistent and / or know the ins and outs of the Invision bad word system may attempt to circumvent these measures. Circumventing the filters will be dealt with immediately. Examples may include the use of asterisks (*) or similar tactics. Also, use of any word indirectly indicate a swear word will result in a warn. By swearing, you give us access to change any word in your post. The only exception to this rule is in the "Complaints and Sewers" forum. Although there are filters that blocks swearing, you may bypass the filters and not be warned in those two forums only.

2. Member Bashing / Name calling / Insults (20% warning per incident)

Yes, they are all the same, we call it flaming. Members are NOT to engage in bashing other forum members or flaming posts and topics. These types of posts and/or topics will be deleted from the forum without warning. This forum is for the conversation of Maplestory and for the fans of Maplestory to converse. Personal Attacks do not have a place on this forum. If you have a problem with what somebody has said, or believe that their ideas are wrong then that is NOT an excuse to call them an idiot. Also ANY negative references to homosexuality, race, age, intelligence, gender, religion etc. will NOT be tolerated. These offending posts will be deleted without notice and you will be warned accordingly.

3. Posting Illegal / Inappropriate Materials (50% warning per incident)

We understand that you may want people to have "free things", however we must abide to copyright laws. Illegal or Inappropriate materials include but are not limited to, "warez", "hacking" of any kind, "cracks", "serials", virii, "trojan" programs, pornography, hate groups, and / or any sites or links dealing with generally objectionable materials. Also, you may not post any material that refers to any 'sexual behavior' or 'sexual comment'. These are illegal, and can result in an arrest.

Note: This rule may be edited as deemed necessary.

4. Key logging links / Scam websites / Scamming another person (Instant permanent ban)

Mapletip offers a very nice, friendly community and we would not appreciate it if you post links to key loggers or scam/phishing websites. Not only will you gain a ticket to banned land, but your ISP may receive an abuse email stating your immature decision. Bypassing the filter will also get you in much, much trouble. Also, if you scam someone in any way, directly or indirectly, on Mapletip or not on Mapletip, you will be banned. Just think of it like this, we like to protect our members, they're that cool.

Note: This rule may also be edited as deemed necessary.

5. Hacking the website (Instant permanent ban and report to ISP)

By hacking MapleTip in any fashion, which includes but is not limited to XSS attacks, SQL injection, Brute Force, etc, you will be IP blocked, ISP reported, and of course, banned.

6. Advertising another Website (10% warning per incident)

There will be no advertising of another website on MapleTip. You must obtain prior consent Life to advertise. This rule is here only because we are trying to reduce the amount of spam. Since there is no specific forum for advertising, no advertising of any website is allowed. The other side of this rule, is if you advertise a website that sells Maplestory items or services, you will be banned permanently. All advertised websites will obtain a cease operation notification, and your website will be placed on our "Important Annoucment" section as a potential scam / keylogger website. You SHOULD NOT advertise without permission. Advertising means, but is not limited to "The promotion of a service or idea for the sole purpose of profit, monetary or not".

7. Hacking on Maplestory (Instant permanent ban)

Hacking allows you to have an advantage over other players. We don't appreciate that as you are causing a negative impact on other people such as interrupting their training. We would appreciate it if you don't hack, but if you do, you will be banned.

To report a hacker, good proof is needed. Good proof contains the person's charcter name, picture of them not having knockback, having more monsters on platform than possible, and centered in the picture. We must be able to see their character picture too.

8. Cross server item transfer/Item Transfer/Account trade/Buying or selling accounts/Buying or selling mesos/Account Giveaway/ETC ( Ban)

You may not do any item transfers, buying or selling of any accounts, or buying or selling of any mesos. Anything of that effect will result in a ban. The reason behind this is because many users are scammed by doing the above, so to protect you, we have implemented this harsh rule.

9. Harassment (Permanent ban)

Harassing another member, yet not flaming them is very possible, but it can cause more damage than flaming to a person's life. An example is shown below:

Gavin calls Michael a pedophile, Michael is not a Pedophile, but Gavin keeps making up stuff to make people think that Michael is a pedophile. Gavin will be banned because he caused Michael much pain and suffering.

10. Flame Wars (Permanent ban)

We don't like war, it smells funny. This is why we'll ban anyone that starts or is part of one.

There are two types of flame wars, each with different types of punishments.

The person that starts a flame war that is small will gain a 50% warning on first offense, permanent ban on second offense.
The person that starts a flame war that is big will gain a permanent ban. http://forums.mapletip.com/index.php?act=announce&f=2&id=13

Posts : 108
Join date : 2008-04-01

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