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Posting Guidelines.

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Posting Guidelines. Empty Posting Guidelines.

Post  gzpmtk Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:28 am

While these are not hard and fast rules, failure to heed these guidelines can and most likely will result in your post being deleted or simply ignored by other people. Multiple instances where this guide is not followed or they are deliberately ignored will result in a warning.


1. Try not to post a paragraph that has over 15 sentences.

Reading one long paragraph, with no breaks in it, is not very easy on the eyes. Take some time when you post to look at what you are typing. Take full advantage of the BBCode buttons on the posting page to accent your text so it's readable. Use indents and breaks to form good structured posts. Think of your English teacher when you do this, failure to do anything correctly will result in an F in English. (I'm kidding)

2. Try to provide quality support.

Please do not feel obligated to post support for MapleTip. Some of the "support" posts have been wrong and only confuse the people who are trying to receive help. As a rule of thumb: DO NOT give support unless you are sure what the person's problem is and you know how to solve it, or are asked to post.

3. Excessive line breaking (10% warning per incident)

Excessive line breaking will not be tolerated in this forum. You may have only up to 5 line breakings; any more breaks will result in a warning. Excessive line breaking is not necessary and is considered spam.

4. Use the Edit Button. (10% warning per incident)

Use the edit button if you need to change what you've said or add something new to your post.

5. Don't Post Too Much. (10% warning per incident)

We realize that you would like to raise your post count and would like to participate actively in this extremely cool forum but it is not necessary to post in EVERY thread. It is really obnoxious to see a display name over and over again.

6. Don't dispute the moderators and/or administrators. (10% warning per incident)

You might consider getting a different opinion from another moderator/administrator to try and resolve the issue PRIVATELY. If a moderator tells you to do something, do it. Crying in the streets (public forums) won't help anything. You may also try to use our complaints forum to resolve this problem with an administrator or moderator. These topics will not be closed unless it is resolved.

7. Try to use proper English.

Posting like a dyslexic cat having a seizure on the keyboard will get you noticed, and will probably make you popular, but it will not be in a good way. Just take the extra two seconds to add somewhat proper punctuation, and capitalize the letters at the beginning of your sentences. We will understand if your first language is not English, just let us know that in advance. Make sure your posts are clear, and express your problem/request well. Use proper grammar and spelling.

Also, please try not to use many odd abbreviations. These forums are read by people around the world; they may not understand some of your jargon.

8. Please Be Patient.

Guides take a lot of time to make. It isn't like DB moderators live to make things for you, they have lives too. Please do not assume that they will make your guide right away, or ever. There just isn't enough time to make them all. As for the features, MapleTip currently has only one active website designer, Life, and he has a life too and cannot program 24/7. It takes some time to add new guides and you should be patient.

9. Honor the moderators and administrator.

The moderators devote their time and patience to see that these forums will grow, so a little respect for them is required. This is the same respect you give to your local police officer.

10. Don't announce that you're spamming and/or are a n00b.

This is sure to get the moderator's and administrator's attention in a negative way. People who do this are possibly new. Honest mistakes are OK but if you continuously do this, there may be consequences such as people pointing and laughing at you. Oh yes, a warning could occur too.

11. Respect the judgment of the moderators/administrators.

If an administrator or moderator has decided to lock a topic or delete some posts, please do not question their actions here on the board (i.e. posts threads similar to "Why was my topic deleted?" or "Where did all my posts go?")
If you wish to contact an administrator or moderator and talk with them about your thread or post, please do so by clicking the AIM button in the member's public profile or in posts by that member. You may also try the Private message system and complaints board.

12. Signatures (10% warning per incident)

Your TOTAL signature length may not exceed 600 x 360. Please note, this rule also applies to text. Your signature will be automatically deleted without warning and without the original signature if you do not comply with this rule.

13. Insignificant Posts/Non Contributing Posts. (10% warning per incident)

Posts that do not help the topic at all will give you a warning. Please understand that by simply posting the words "okay" does not improve a topic. Try stating a reason as to why you said "okay". If there isn't a reason to why you said what you said in a post, then the post is considered "Insignificant" and you will gain a warning.

14. Spamming Spree (Permanent ban)

If you create a large amount of spam posts within a short amount of time, you will be banned on the spot. It is your responsibility to take care of your account and to log out when you are away from your computer so the Sibling excuse is not acceptable.

15. Backseat Moderating (10% warning per incident)

We understand that you have strange fantasies of wanting to be a moderator, but can you please keep that to yourself during your private time? We know you love MapleTip very much, but instead of telling the moderator to close this, hit the report button so we know we should go there.

16. Repeating an answer already given

If the topic question has been answered, you don't have to answer it again with the same exact answer! Simply ignore the thread or report the thread so a moderator can come and close it.

Posts : 108
Join date : 2008-04-01

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