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Level 55 cape quest WALKTHROUGH

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Level 55 cape quest WALKTHROUGH Empty Level 55 cape quest WALKTHROUGH

Post  gzpmtk Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:27 am

Here is a List of items you will be needing.
100 star pixies
50 lunar pixies
30 luster pixies
100 hector tails
100 white pang tails
3 werewolf toenails
2 refined power crystals
2 refined dex cyrstals
2 refined wisdom crystals
2 refined luk crystals

Here is the walkthrough:
1. Talk to Alcaster in the El Nath Market.
*scroll/walk to Orbis*
2. Talk to Lisa in Orbis.
3. Talk to Elma The Housekeeper in Orbis Park.
*scroll/walk to El Nath*
4. Talk to Jade in El Nath.
*scroll/walk to Orbis, walk to Cloud Park 5. Go in teleporter in middle of bottom*
*walk to the "Rock Covered In Snow"*
5. Gain Broken Black Crystal from the rock.
*go back to Spiruna*
6. Talk to Spiruna, then ???????.
7. Talk to Krieg in the Orbis Potion Shop.
*hunt for 100 star pieces (star pixies), 50 moon pieces (lunar pixies), and 30 sun pieces (luster pixies)*
8. Talk to Krieg in the Orbis Potion Shop. Lost the Pixie drops, gain Fairy Powder.
9. Talk to Spiruna, then ???????, gain Hella's Pendant.
*scroll/walk to El Nath*
10. Talk to Jade in El Nath, lost Hella's Pendant.
*walk to Wolf Territory 1*
11. Talk to Little Tomb, gain Old Ring.
12. Talk to Scadur the Hunter in El Nath. Lose Old Ring.
*hunt for 100 hector tails and 100 pang tails*
13. Talk to Scadur the Hunter in El Nath. Regain Old Ring.
*scroll/walk to Orbis, take the boat to Ellinia*
14. Talk to Dances with Balrog in Perion. Lose 2 refined Power Crystals, gain Piece of Old Map.
*head to Ellinia*
15. Talk to Grendel the Really Old in Ellinia. Lose 2 refined Wisdom Crystals, gain Piece of Old Map.
*head to Henesys*
16. Talk to Henesys Bowman Woman(whats her name?) in Henesys Park. Lose 2 refined DEX Crystals, gain Piece of Old Map.
*head to Kerning City*
17. Talk to Dark Lord in Kerning City, Lose 2 refined LUK Crystals, gain Piece of Old Map.
*head back to Orbis, scroll/walk to El Nath*
18. Talk to Alcaster in the El Nath Market.
*scroll/walk to Orbis, walk to Cloud Park 7*
19. Talk to Corporal Easy at Cloud Park 7.
*hunt Werewolfs for 3 Werewolf Toenails*
20. Talk to Corporal Easy at Cloud Park 7, Lose 3 Werewolf Toenails, gain Memory Powder.
*scroll/walk to El Nath*
21. Talk to Alcaster in the El Nath Market, Lose Memory Powder and 4 Pieces of Old Maps.
*walk up Orbis Tower to the 9th Floor*
22. Talk to Statue, Lose Old Ring, gain Book of Ancients.
*walk back to Alcaster*
23. Talk to Alcaster in the El Nath Market, lost Book of Ancients, gain a random White, Blue, Red, or Black Justice Cape

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Posts : 108
Join date : 2008-04-01

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Level 55 cape quest WALKTHROUGH Empty Re: Level 55 cape quest WALKTHROUGH

Post  Orbis Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:30 am

1. Talk to Alcaster in the El Nath Market.
*scroll/walk to Orbis*
2. Talk to Lisa in Orbis.
3. Talk to Elma The Housekeeper in Orbis Park.
*scroll/walk to El Nath*
4. Talk to Jade in El Nath.
*scroll/walk to Orbis, walk to Cloud Park 5. Go in teleporter in middle of bottom*
*walk to the "Rock Covered In Snow"*
5. Gain Broken Black Crystal from the rock.
*go back to Spiruna*


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