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Party Quest Guide, Every thing you need to know.

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Party Quest Guide, Every thing you need to know. Empty Party Quest Guide, Every thing you need to know.

Post  gzpmtk Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:33 am


PQ: Party Quest
A quest for level 21-30 were four players join forces to try to complete all five stages.

AC: Auto Clicker: A program used to get into the party quest buy clicking Lakelis for you.

Track: Track is when you can /find one of the players in the party quest. This makes it easy to get in the quest because you will know when they are out of the quest.

Rush: A rush is when after the party quest is over and you are in the exit you and your party can run out of the quest as fast as you can and have your leader click Lakelis to try to get back into the quest. Rush avoids the long wait to get back in the quest.

Cloto: After you finish a stage click this NPC to open the portal to the next stage.

Spy: A person who goes out of the party in the bonus to take down names for track incase the rush is unsucsessfull.


Stage 1: First stage of Party Quest were you and your party members have to get a certain number of coupons for the question that Cloto asigns them. After you get all your coupons you can trade them in for a pass. You need the number passes of people in your not including your leader. You leader should help the other members get coupons.


Level to become magician - 8
Level to become any other job - 10
EXP needed to level 1 from level 2 - 15
INT needed to become a magician - 20
DEX needed to become an archer or a thief - 25
STR needed to become a warrior - 35

EXP Earned: 100

Stage 2: Second Stage of Party Quest were there are four vines and three of the members have to jump on them to figure out the right combination and click Cloto to advance to next stage.

EXP Earned: 200

Stage 3: Third Stage of the Party Quest, this is like Stage 2 but with 5 platforms. You need to have three people on different platforms untill you have the correct three.
It is best you go in numerical order like this:

This way you will never get mixed up by doing a combination twice or not doing it at all, and that would get very frusterating.

EXP Earned: 400

Stage 4: Fourth Stage of the Party Quest, this is like Stage 2/3 but with six platforms. You have three people standing on one platform each and you need to figure out which three platforms unlock the next portal. If one person in your party has died have your leader stand on platform 1 or the platform that moves the least so he can click.
It is best to go in numerical order here like this:
This way you will never get mixed up by doing a combination twice or not doing it at all, and that would get very frusterating.

EXP Earned: 800

Finall Stage: In the Final Stage of Party Quest, you need to kill about 3-4 Curse Eyes and about 5-6 Jr. Neckis. Each monster will drop a pass. After you get 9 passes from that you take on the Slime King. The Slime King is Level 40 with 8,000 HP, MP 100, and gives your party 1000 EXP when it is killed. After killing the Slime King a 10th pass will drop and many little Slimes will spawn. There is a rumor that if you kill the little Slimes you will get a bad prize at the end. Once you have all 10 passes report back to Cloto and claim your prize.

EXP Earned: 1600

Bonus: A stage were you can fight Horned and Green Mushrooms untill your 30:00 time of Party Questing is over.

EXP Earner: How ever much you make. mush1o.gif

Exit: After you and your partie's hard work you get lots of exp and a scroll, potions, ores, screws, a bamboo hat, or earings. Once your party or your party leader has gone throught the exit by clicking Nella you can try to run back in by rushing.

Note: If you are leader a Party Quest never boot any who form party or your whole party will get booted.

Enjoy the guide and correct me on anything if I am wrong.
Feedback Please.

-~Mage http://forums.mapletip.com/index.php?showtopic=6845

Posts : 108
Join date : 2008-04-01

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Party Quest Guide, Every thing you need to know. Empty Re: Party Quest Guide, Every thing you need to know.

Post  back Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:39 am

AC: Auto Clicker: A program used to get into the party quest buy clicking Lakelis for you.

Track: Track is when you can /find one of the players in the party quest. This makes it easy to get in the quest because you will know when they are out of the quest.

Rush: A rush is when after the party quest is over and you are in the exit you and your party can run out of the quest as fast as you can and have your leader click Lakelis to try to get back into the quest. Rush avoids the long wait to get back in the quest.


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Party Quest Guide, Every thing you need to know. Empty Re: Party Quest Guide, Every thing you need to know.

Post  coupons Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:40 am

Stage 1: First stage of Party Quest were you and your party members have to get a certain number of coupons for the question that Cloto asigns them. After you get all your coupons you can trade them in for a pass. You need the number passes of people in your not including your leader. You leader should help the other members get coupons.


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Party Quest Guide, Every thing you need to know. Empty Re: Party Quest Guide, Every thing you need to know.

Post  Stage Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:40 am

Finall Stage: In the Final Stage of Party Quest, you need to kill about 3-4 Curse Eyes and about 5-6 Jr. Neckis. Each monster will drop a pass. After you get 9 passes from that you take on the Slime King. The Slime King is Level 40 with 8,000 HP, MP 100, and gives your party 1000 EXP when it is killed. After killing the Slime King a 10th pass will drop and many little Slimes will spawn. There is a rumor that if you kill the little Slimes you will get a bad prize at the end. Once you have all 10 passes report back to Cloto and claim your prize.


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Party Quest Guide, Every thing you need to know. Empty Re: Party Quest Guide, Every thing you need to know.

Post  Earner Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:41 am

EXP Earner: How ever much you make. mush1o.gif

Exit: After you and your partie's hard work you get lots of exp and a scroll, potions, ores, screws, a bamboo hat, or earings. Once your party or your party leader has gone throught the exit by clicking Nella you can try to run back in by rushing.

Note: If you are leader a Party Quest never boot any who form party or your whole party will get booted.


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