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U nub y u no hill me?, The curse of being a cleric

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U nub y u no hill me?, The curse of being a cleric Empty U nub y u no hill me?, The curse of being a cleric

Post  gzpmtk Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:19 am

Okay, so I was Ludi pqing, and we get to the stage where the block golems attack you. Being the only cleric in the party, I was to spam heal. Then this annoying noob level 35 guy dies while I'm using mana elixirs (bad idea, always buy red bean sundaes) As if that's not enough that hes flaming me (he was probably whispering to me too, but my whispers are turned off) he opens a chat room an invites me to it.


I am serious, he misspelled heal.

Any who, everything else goes fine until Alishar, when a sin dies because I was trying to save pots and only spamming heal when the party attacked Alishar, then he went off on me because he died.

I understand that clerics are supposed to heal, but please plan for the worst when lpqing or anything and bring hp potions because clerics are not only spamming heal, but they also have Magic guard, which converts 75% of the damage I take into mp damage

Magic Guard+Heal+over 400 damage=Mp rapidly decreasing

Moral of the story, check your hp bar and bring hp potions even with a cleric in your party

EDIT: Fixed a typo and added some stuff http://forums.mapletip.com/index.php?showtopic=118650

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Join date : 2008-04-01

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