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Mortal Blow Rant~, Bleh.

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Mortal Blow Rant~, Bleh. Empty Mortal Blow Rant~, Bleh.

Post  gzpmtk Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:29 am

I'm not one to get ticked off easily. But this is major. I'll briefly explain what Mortal Blow is before I rant mush1k.gif.

In case you don't know, Mortal Blow is a passive skill that replaces the usual minimum range bow-whack. At Level 5, it has a 40% chance of activating. I fires an extra powerful arrow at point-blank range.
If a monster comes too close, Mortal Blow can activate. It's a good skill and all, delivering loads of damage when it hits as well as saving you from doing a weak bow-whack.

Okay, ranting time. Mortal Blow got glitched during the 4th Job patch. The character has a chance of D/Cing from the server after it activates. I'd estimate it to be at around 10%. That's not a low value, once you factor in how many times Mortal Blow activates. I fire off about two Mortal Blows a minute. As you can see, I get kicked every five to ten minutes.

I'm Level 79 at the time of writing, on the verge of packing up and moving to Squids. You don't bow-whack often at Squids, so it's not a problem. It's a problem now though. I'll never make it to 80 before my butt hairs turn gray if this glitch isn't patched. And other people (did I mention there are other people?) are having the same problem I do.

I'm really lucky that I was 78 - almost out of 7x - when the glitch arose. If I was in the lower 70s, I'd be doing an Angry German Gamer dance.

So, on behalf of every single Bowman with the skill Mortal Blow, fix the glitch please, Nexon. We might even buy some Scamchapon tickets from you http://forums.mapletip.com/index.php?showtopic=118302

Posts : 108
Join date : 2008-04-01

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