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Death and Resurrection

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Death and Resurrection Empty Death and Resurrection

Post  Snake Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:18 am

Your character may die multiple times while fighting or exploring in a particular area. When you die, allies can resurrect you on the field using a skill or Signet (when in PvP a priest or shrine at your team's base can do the job). In cooperative missions, the death of the entire party means you have failed as a team and must return to the outpost to try again. A "wiped" party on a quest will simply resurrect at the nearest resurrection shrine. In either case, you will return to life with a death penalty (DP), which reduces your maximum Health and Energy. http://www.guildwars.com/gameplay/combat/stayingalive/

Posts : 115
Join date : 2008-04-01

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