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Morale Boost

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Morale Boost Empty Morale Boost

Post  Snake Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:19 am

Slaying certain enemies gives you a morale boost expressed in much the same way as the death penalty—except the positive percentage is applied to your stats instead of a negative. The enemies that give your party a morale boost are the same enemies that you can sometimes steal skills from after they're dead using a Signet of Capture. These enemies, referred to as "named foes" or "bosses," have a proper first and last name, and are easy to spot thanks to the glow around their bodies. Each one your party destroys gives you a +2% morale boost. Note that under some specific circumstances, non-boss enemies will also give you a morale boost—in such cases, you will be told which "no-name" enemies you can slay to get the advantage. http://www.guildwars.com/gameplay/combat/stayingalive/

Posts : 115
Join date : 2008-04-01

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