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Guild Emblem Contest Winners

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Guild Emblem Contest Winners Empty Guild Emblem Contest Winners

Post  kjnpo Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:59 am

The contest rules can be found on this page.

During the month of February 2005 we hosted a contest for Guild Wars fans inviting them to submit their favorite concept for a new guild emblem. Our Art Team created emblems based on the winning fan concepts; these emblems were then incorporated into the game and are offered to all Guild Wars players. The Guild Emblem Contest drew entries from around the world. Hundreds of artists and visionaries submitted their concepts -- from as nearby as Seattle to as far away as Spain, Sweden, and Singapore. We received art created with the use of pencil, pen and ink, markers, acrylics, and various types of computer software.

Today, the winning emblems are featured designs at your friendly Guild Registrar. The exceptional winning entries, and those deserving of an Honorable Mention, are described by artist, location, and theme on the list below.

Winning Entries

Original Final

Anthony "Crazy Mary" Doko
California, USA

Sword & Rose
Sydney "Victoria Rosefield" Tang
Alberta, Canada

Heraldric Shield
Corey "The Saint" Brinkmann
New York, USA

Battle Axe
Washington, USA

Phoenix Rising
Wyoming, USA

Ornamental Sword
Phonesury Ounekeo
Texas, USA

Gekko Circle
Adam "Master Disaster" Martin
British Columbia, Canada

Moon & Mountain
Ross "Elu Annare"
Ontario, Canada

"Realms Beyond"
British Columbia, Canada

Party Theme
Tristan "Joiry" De Buysscher
California, USA

Honorable Mentions

Jacques "Maximus Meridias" Boivin
Quebec, Canada

George Vasiliadis
New Hampshire, USA

Siete "CoreTex" Souman
Grou, The Netherlands

Joseph "Weezer Blue"
North Carolina, USA

Texas, USA

James "Dr. Jimmy" Beveridge
Alberta, Canada

Matt "Lord Ballzac" Motamedi
Massachusetts, USA

"Lore Master"
Connecticut, USA

Oklahoma, USA

Ryan "Iron Forge" Gruenwald
Michigan, USA http://www.guildwars.com/events/contests/guildemblemcontest-winners.php

Posts : 137
Join date : 2008-04-01

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