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Tournament Reward Points

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Tournament Reward Points Empty Tournament Reward Points

Post  wtzvd Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:29 am

Tournament Reward Points are awarded at the end of a tournament to the top 25 percent finishers. Only guilds or players who have played at least one game receive points.


"Winners" are defined as the top 25 percent of finishers.

((Number of Winners – (rank of each winner-1)) * Tournament Reward Points) / Number of Winners;

Tournament Reward points differ for GvG and 1v1, and for daily and monthly. The first place finisher would receive:

GvG Monthly: 300
GvG Daily: 60
1v1 Monthly: 100
1v1 Daily: 20

Additionally, players receive points for each single victory in a tournament as follows:

GvG Monthly: 15
GvG Daily: 3
1v1 Monthly: 5
1v1 Daily: 1

For example, if 40 people played in a 1v1 daily tournament, the top 10 winners (25 percent of the finishers, 10 out of 40) would receive the following amount of points:

((10 – (1-1)) * 20) / 10 = 20
((10 – (2-1)) * 20) / 10 = 18
((10 – (3-1)) * 20) / 10 = 16
((10 – (4-1)) * 20) / 10 = 14
((10 – (5-1)) * 20) / 10 = 12
((10 – (6-1)) * 20) / 10 = 10
((10 – (7-1)) * 20) / 10 = 8
((10 – (8-1)) * 20) / 10 = 6
((10 – (9-1)) * 20) / 10 = 4
((10 – (10-1)) * 20) / 10 = 2

All players, no matter their rank, are then given 1 point for each win in the tournament. http://www.guildwars.com/competitive/tournament2008/rules.php

Posts : 84
Join date : 2008-04-01

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