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Post  wtzvd Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:58 am

Where does Guild Wars Factions take place?

Guild Wars Factions takes place in Cantha, an Asian-inspired three-nation continent far to the south of the lands of Tyria, the setting for the original Guild Wars campaign.

How do I get to Cantha?

Players who own both Factions and Guild Wars can travel by boat between the two continents through Lion's Arch, Kaineng Center, or the Great Temple of Balthazar.

What are alliances and how do they work in Guild Wars Factions?

Guilds can join together to form guild alliances. Allied guilds share Alliance chat, visit each other’s guild halls, and fight in each other's guild battles. Alliances can also gain control of towns and outposts in Cantha by participating in Alliance Battles, which give them the ability to trigger events and gain access to exclusive areas.

What is a faction? Should I join one?

Alliances belong to one of two warring factions, the Kurzick or the Luxon, and being a member of an alliance allows participation in Alliance Battles. Victory in an Alliance Battle earns faction points, and members can spend their points individually or they can add them to the alliance bank, which will enable the alliance to acquire control of towns and outposts. The outcome of these battles influences the progress of the war between the two factions. The current battle lines, and indications of the control of cities and towns, are always visible on the world map. Guild membership in Guild Wars Factions is extremely appealing and interesting for both cooperative and PvP players. By joining an alliance and achieving success with Alliance Battles, your guild gains control of high-level towns. With that control, guild members acquire access to elite cooperative content. In Factions, the strongest guilds most likely will not be made up exclusively of PvP or cooperative players. The strongest guilds will be a combination of both types of players, and such a combination will result in benefits for all members.

What are the game types within Guild Wars Factions?

There are four basic types of gameplay in Guild Wars Factions. They are:
Challenge Missions
Cooperative missions involve specific scoring objectives, such as holding out against progressive waves of enemies. You will see personal bests and high scores displayed within the game.

Elite Missions
The most powerful alliances have access to areas that are designed to be the ultimate cooperative challenge.

Competitive Missions
Multiple teams compete to control resource points and achieve strategic victory. Victors earn faction points for their alliance which will determine the control of towns and outposts.

Alliance Battles
Alliance Battles are large-scale, strategic PvP battles that allow factions to conquer new territory.

What is the new PvP area in Factions?

The majority of PvP encounters take place on a new continent: Battle Isles. All players from Guild Wars and Guild Wars Factions will engage in combat on the Battle Isles, although two lower-level PvP areas—the Ascalon Arena and the Shiverpeak Arena—will remain in Tyria and will be accessible on that continent rather than on Battle Isles.

What kind of new content does Guild Wars Factions bring to the Guild Wars saga?
A total of 300 new skills, including 90 new elite skills, for the two new Factions professions and the six core professions from Guild Wars
More than 50 new locales, including story missions, combat arenas, and explorable areas
More than 100 new creatures
New guild halls
New faces, hair styles, and armor sets for both Factions and the core professions
New pets
Hundreds of new weapons and items

Does Guild Wars Factions have new guild emblems?

Yes. In fact, we had many new emblems added by the Guild Wars artists at release, and over several months, two fan contests brought us even more terrific emblems! http://www.guildwars.com/products/factions/features/guildwarsfactions-faq.php

Posts : 84
Join date : 2008-04-01

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