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Alliance Battle Contest: 5 Contests in 1!!, Starting NOW...Extended 1 week till 3/1

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Alliance Battle Contest: 5 Contests in 1!!, Starting NOW...Extended 1 week till 3/1 Empty Alliance Battle Contest: 5 Contests in 1!!, Starting NOW...Extended 1 week till 3/1

Post  oemcxi Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:46 pm

As the Amazon Basin marches towards owning Amatz Basin, I will be sponsoring a number of weekly contests related to gaining Kurzick Faction. The goal of these weekly contests is to add to some fun and excitement to our quest to own Amatz Basin and to encourage variety in the ways we gain Kurzick Faction.

So this week is the The Alliance Battle Contest

What: A contest to see which Basiners can get the biggest Alliance Battle win (your score - enemy score). There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes awarded for each of the 5 Alliance Battle Maps (Kaanai Canyon, Etnaran Keys, Saltspray Beach, Grenz Frontier, Ancestral Lands)

When: Starting NOW...yep right now as you are reading this...and ending on Saturday, 2/23/08 Saturday, 3/1/08 at
12pm PST / 1 pm MST / 2 pm CST / 3 pm EST / 8 pm GMT / 9 pm CET / 7 am AEDT / 9 am NZDT

CONTEST Extended 1 week to take advantage of the Double Faction AB Weekend and allow people to play on more of the 5 map rotation!

Who: Teams going for the high score may consist of AB Guild members, non-AB Guild members, heros and henchies, but prizes will only be awarded to members of the AB in-game guilds.

Judging: Players wanting their score to be considered for this contest, must post in this thread. Please post a screenshot or a link to a screenshot in this thread of your score.

Here are a couple choices for hosting screenshots:

Image Shack


Mammonlord Gallery

Remember to take a screenshot at the end of each Alliance Battle you play this week!!

There are 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place Prizes for each of the 5 Alliance Battle Maps (Kaanai Canyon, Etnaran Keys, Saltspray Beach, Grenz Frontier, Ancestral Lands)

First Prize
Each AB in-game Guild Member on the team with the highest score will receive:
2,000 gold
10 miscellaneous Drinks, Sweets, Fireworks or other Party Animal items
1 randomly selected gold item from the following list (players will roll in-game to pick the prize)

I=inscribable, r=required attribute

Forked Sword, Long Bow r9 I, Composite Bow r10 I, Minature Pig, Elite Mesmer Tome, Steel Broadsword r9 I, Gemstone Axe r12 I, Elite Ranger Tome, Zodiac Axe r12 19%<50, War Hammer r9 I, Skull Spear r11 I, Elite Warrior Tome, Guardian Spear r10 I, Zodiac Hammer r9, Composite Shortbow r11 I, Shortbow r9 I, Shadow Bow r10 15% in stance, Nightmare Spear r12 I, Zodiac Daggers r10 +14>50, Gladius r12 +20<50

Second Prize
Each AB in-game Guild Member on the team with the second highest score will receive:
1,000 gold
5 miscellaneous Drinks, Sweets, Fireworks or other Party Animal items
1 randomly selected green item from the following list (players will roll in-game to pick the prize)

Rajazan's Fervor, The Shadestone, Gorrel's Cane, Wieshur's Inspiration, The Time Eater, Shen's Censure, Jayne's Staff, Victo's Battle Axe, Sskai's Sword, Ungues of the Oni, Milthuran's Staff, Modti's Depravation, Gardock's Staff, Shakor's Spear, Wroth's Holy Rod, Kaolin Wand, Ryver's Shortbow, Flint's Artifact, Milus' Eye, Forgotten Fan

Third Prize
Each AB in-game Guild Member on the team with the third highest score will receive:
500 gold
3 miscellaneous Drinks, Sweets, Fireworks or other Party Animal items

Final Results
Kaanai Canyon
1st - Hells Bells 521 to 185 .... 336 points
2nd - Lev 514 to 179 .... 335 points
3rd - RTE, Pale Jackal, Cybersnare, Newshutz 508 to 465 .... 43 points

Etnaran Keys
1st - Clutch, Svata, Foxbat, Hells Bells 514 to 39 .... 475 points
2nd - Lev 514 to 70 .... 444 points
3rd - Newshutz, Zero, Trexim 521 to 157 .... 364 points

Saltspray Beach
1st - Trexim, Skie, Phage, Svata 514 to 56 .... 458 points
2nd - Brian C (with Skie) 520 to 68 .... 452 points
3rd - Hellsbells 516 to 86 .... 430 points
3rd - Newshutz 521 to 90 .... 430 points

Grentz Frontier
1st - Hells Bells, Eddie, Irish2, Jennah Argosbane (forum name?) 514 to 57 .... 457 points
2nd - RTE, Foxbat, Ona Tangent (with FJ) 517 to 77 .... 440 points
3rd - Sir Thranyer 512 to 133 .... 379 points

Ancestral Lands
1st - Eddie, Zero, Clutch, Newshutz 514 to 67 .... 447 points
2nd - Sir Thranyter 514 to 71 .... 443 points
3rd - Lev 516 to 146 .... 370 points

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I win more than one prize in this contest?
A. Yes, there is one contest for each map, so you can win up to 5 different prizes, but you can't win 2 prizes for the same map.

Q. Do you count the score at the moment your team gets 500 and wins?
A. You can count any score you can get a screenshot of...so if you win 504 to 100 then it goes up to 511 to 100, then 511 it is!

Q. Can I use a screenshot from an Alliance Battle last month?
A. No, only screenshots from battles fought between when the contest started on Monday and before it ends on Saturday should be posted. http://www.theamazonbasin.com/gw/forums/index.php?showtopic=9364

Posts : 103
Join date : 2008-04-01

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