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Ring Around the Rosie, They all fall down

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Ring Around the Rosie, They all fall down Empty Ring Around the Rosie, They all fall down

Post  saeimc Sun Apr 13, 2008 12:45 am

Ring around the rosie
A pocket full of posie
Ashes to Ashes
They all fall down

While perusing the Rt skill list I came across this spirit

Earthbind (15=5=60) : Binding Ritual. Create a level 1...8 Spirit. All foes knocked down within its range are knocked down for at least 3 seconds. Whenever this happens, this Spirit loses 50...30 Health. This Spirit dies after 15...39 seconds.

And I have had some success keeping spirits like this up (shelter, union) using Ritual Lord, so thought we might be able to make a GvG build centered around this:

Ritualist -- spirit spammer

Spawning - 13 (12+1)
Communing - 14-16 (12+1+1=3)
Restoration? - 4 (3+1)

Ritual Lord(E)
Boon of Creation
Signet of Creation
Earthbind -- if they are on the ground, they are not hurting anyone.
Shelter -- anti spike
Union -- anti pressure
Shadowsong -- anti warrior -- place to protect back line
Soothing -- slow down the warriors

This toon plays at least one aggro behind the monks, tending the spirits

The rest of the build needs to be fleshed out with knockdown and support toons.

Bunny Thumper
Rez Sig

KD Warrior --W/N

Strength 14 (12+2)
Hammer 15 (12+1+2)

Hammer Bash
Crushing Blow
Belly Smash
"You Will Die!" ?
"For Great Justice!"
Battle Rage
Plague Touch -- self condition removal
Rez Sig

The idea is to be able to Hammer Bash again as soon as the target gets up.
I think this toon can take one target as long as Earthbind stays up.

FGJ-BR-HB-CB-BS rinse and repeat
You Will Die if need Adrenaline boost
Plague Touch to remove blindness

Squirt Gun E/?

Earth 11 (10+1)
Water 15 (11+1+3)
Energy 11 (10+1)

Water Trident[E]
Shard Storm
Blurred vision
Ice prison
Ward against Melee
Ward against Foes
Rez Sig

Intterupt Rezmer Me/Mo
Fast Cast

Psychic Instablity (E) --knockdown when intterrupted hex
Phantom Pain -- cover hex and fun all on its own
??? -- another cover hex
Cry of Frustration
Leech Signet
Power Spike
Signet of Disruption
Hard Rez

healing Rt/E

Spawning 12 (11+1)
Restoration 12-14 (10+1+1-3)
Air 10

Attuned was Songkai(E)
Soothing Memories
Mend Body and Soul
Spirit Light
Weapon of Warding

this toon is responsible for condition removal

protboon Mo/Me

Divine Favor 13-15 (11+1+1-3)
Protection 11 (10+1)
Inspiration 10

Reversal of Fortune
Prot Spirit
Convert Hexes
Inspired Hex
Contemplation of Purity
Divine Boon
Mantra of Recall

this toon has the only hex removal.

E/Mo flag runner water based
Water Trident(E)
Shard storm
Ice Prison
Blurred vision
Armor of Mist
Ether Prodigy
Heal Party
Heal Area


Other knockdown ideas


Whirlwind/Aftershock/Ash Blast
Water Trident(E) or Unsteady Ground(E)
Bed of Coals/Earthquake/Aftershock -- fire damage may conflict with water snares
Ward against Melee
rez sig

Ranger/Elementalist touch ranger mark II (may not work only two touch skills)
Ice prison
Lightning Touch (skill)
Shock (skill)
Ash Blast

Air 12 (11+1)
Earth 13-15 (11+1+1-3)
Energy 9 (8+1)
Shadow 2?

Ride the Lightning(E)
Crystal Wave
Ash Blast
Ward Against Melee
Rez Sig


Apply poison
Iron Palm
Falling Spider
Repeating Strike
Horns of the Ox
Whirling Defense
Troll unguent
Rez Sig

This combo kills the suit of 60 armor

Splitting Ideas
the two ritualists turtle, flagger solo, while the rest of the team ganks
Bunny Thumper and Rt Healer offensive team, the rest defensive
It might be fun if we could spread out the "monk" duties so all toons would have some knockdown skills
(e.g. Mo/E with whirlwind/aftershock), and perhaps total healing could be less than normal, because of the support spirits. I think two medic toons and the spirit spammer are similar to a 3 monk back line.

I will edit this post as ideas are worked out in this thread.

Knockdown skills

-- NRG managment on spirit Rt, what is best?
-- Ward of Stability provides a safe zone for other team.
-- two Bunny Thumpers, two Hammer Warriors, one of each, or players choice

Jun 3, 2006
-- removed displacement NRG issues with 4 spirits needing recasting.
-- shifted soothing/shadowsong to spirit spammer
-- removed communing from Healing Rt as spirits removed
-- removed unnatural sig from Warrior, Ws kill spirits fast enough
-- added R/A and E/A ideas

Jun 7, 2006
-- filled out Hammer Warrior, healing Rt and prot boon monk. (monk is heavy on hex removal)

July 13 2007
-- first pass at build, ready to be tried out
-- added interrupt rezmer with Psychic Instability
-- some more thought on splits

--Newz http://www.theamazonbasin.com/gw/forums/index.php?showtopic=5816

Posts : 133
Join date : 2008-04-01

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