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In the beginning...

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In the beginning... Empty In the beginning...

Post  adeehe Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:08 am

In the beginning...
These are just general tips that you don't work out straight away, and can make a character annoyingly weak.

The great XP/SP trick, this is very important to making your character. When you start your character make sure you don't put any points towards your skills (shortcut key S) until level 6.
Thats right SIX.
You can use your Weapon abilities/Qi spells at level 5, and I know its tempting but it works out around 10 SP you're losing by not waiting that one extra level (thats more than a whole 2nd Qi skill and 1st spell).
Just wait it out, bash some weasels, use N to sit and rest up and read over the abilities of your future skills (S), hover your mouse over the squares to see what they do.

Start Quests:
There are quests from the very first level, but don't start them until [center]you reach at least level 3, just run out a gate and wack Mangyangs. By level 3 the XP from quests isn't that noticeable really, and you should've picked up enough gold/items to pay for 1 ring, earrings, necklace and hat (as well as a shield if necessary).
Some people advise to avoid the quests, I say do them if you want it wont cripple you and it'll give you healing herbs as well as some of the missing armor pieces you didn't spawn with at your start.

Character Points:
Every level you gain 3 points to distribute into STR / INT, it doesn't matter whether you want to go physical or mental build for the first levels (1-5) just pump your STR. You may've been told to pump INT always by others if you want to use a mental build but you'll eventually need to put some STR points in the higher levels anyway - and at these low levels you have no Qi spells, or Weapon abilities to use. Even when you do have these at level SIX (see above if you've already forgotten) they aren't enough to win every fight and you'll inevitably need to rest ALOT.
A little STR pays big early, and fades easily into a mental build later, just pump INT level 6 and above as you feel necessary.

Look closely at item stats, compare them to the values of the items you've currently got - two items that sell for the same price on the NPC can be wildly different in stats. Blue (magic) items are easy to spot but even mundane items can be and regularly are better than what you'd equipped a level ago.

I'm sure theres more, but this'll do for now.

*** *** ***
Version 1.01 - Updated some words to better suit the current game. http://www.silkroadtavern.com/strategy/guide/419

Posts : 89
Join date : 2008-04-03

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