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Clearing Murderer Status

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Clearing Murderer Status Empty Clearing Murderer Status

Post  adeehe Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:16 am

Note: everybody involved in this scenario is above lvl 20.

Ok, you are sitting around lvling, minding your own business, and some punk KSes you. You look and notice he got a really nice item from it too. In a fit of rage, you hold the alt button down and attack him. After a moment he goes down, and you are partially relieved.
Then you see that your name is a funny red color. Congratulations! You are a murderer!

First thing to do is look at the nice number showing you how deep a grave you have dug yourself. There is a little box with a skull on it just below your MP bar. If you put your mouse on it you will see some info. The one that is important here is the really big one, probably around 1200 for your first kill.
Until you work this number down to 0, you get sone nasty penalties.

Cannot use recall scrolls or horses. Just a minor inconvenience, and keeps you from outrunning the glory-seekers who are now going to be in your tail.
Slowly take damage while in town. You can still make runs into town and buy stuff as long as you didn't kill too many people, but you have to get back out again pretty fast. This one is not too bad.
Lose sp and extra xp on death. This one hurts a lot, mobs cause you to lose 3x normal xp and players lose you 2x i believe.
Drop equipment. When you die, you have a chance of dropping your gear, depending how high your score is. After one or two kills, you will probably usually drop one item per death.
The worst part, is other players get to kill you, and do so without thinking twice. Most people seeing a red name tend to jump you immediately. Some wait till you are fighting a mob to attack you. People dont bother to wait and listen to the fact that the guy you killed had it coming.

How to work off your murder points:
Kill or Die.
1) Kill mobs. Every mob you kill takes off a few points, based on its level. A short attemp at working off the points at the bandit stronghold yeilded 3 points per bandit.. no more even for giants. If you decide to go this way.. Good Luck! I'd recommend finding someplace secluded, otherwise you will get PKed every ten seconds.

2) Die. Every death takes points off, at a high cost to xp. Players killing you take off 200 points and mobs killing you take off 600. My recommendation would be to find a rezzer that you trust, and find someplace to let mobs whack you repeatedly while he rezzes you and gives you back the stuff you drop.

In an incedent similar to the one above, after all was said and done, my total damages were this:
Players murdered: 2 (original and then some hunter who attacked me.)
XP lost: 15% of level 20.
Gold worth of items lost: 40k.
Deaths to mobs: 2.
Deaths to players: 5.
Mobs killed: about a hundred.

As you can see, being a murderer sucks. I would only recommend it if you have a powerful guild behind you to back you up and discourage random people from trying to kill you. Heh, I would love to see an entire guild of murderers.. http://www.silkroadtavern.com/strategy/guide/414

Posts : 89
Join date : 2008-04-03

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